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Saving Private Data

… a workshop staging detection of an Intrusion Attack on a corporate IT system,
the corporation’s responses to the attack, and the potential consequences of those responses

Written, Directed and Produced by:
Bob Blakley: Chief Scientist for Security and Privacy at IBM Tivoli Software
Jane Hill: Barrister, Chambers of Benet Hytner Q.C. London

Target audience

· Information Security Managers
· IT Operations Managers
· Business Risk Managers
· Corporate Counsel
· Corporate Communications / PR Managers
· Corporate Auditors
· Business Application Owners


The workshop is staged in 2 Acts, with 9 players providing the action, and each member of the audience as a Board Director bearing ultimate responsibility for the attacked corporation.

Act 1 on Monday afternoon plays out a sequence of response scenarios to the discovery of an intrusion, illustrating the various priorities a business must reconcile when facing such situations, and bringing out the need for well-prepared and regularly updated response procedures to manage it well.

Act 2 in Tuesday morning uses the outcomes from Act 1, to indicate what considerations well-prepared response procedures need to include. It reviews the business and legal consequences of the intrusion, liability to third parties and defence for any enforcement procedures (under data protection/ privacy laws), and steps to be taken to minimize their own potential losses, and to bring the hacker to justice (or not). It also considers whether to provide details of the intrusion to clients, law enforcement or to an ISAC or other organisation, and the possible consequences of doing so, or not doing so.


At 09.35, StarCorp's online order-processing application goes down. The initial word from IT operations is that it's a hacker attack. Getting the system back on line is the company's highest priority. A SWAT team headed by IT Operations Manager Rocky Wardrop tries to identify and fix the problem. StarCorp CEO Brenda Star is determined that the offender will not go unpunished.

The staged performances will be directed rather like a “murder mystery” game, with the Directors (Act 1 by Bob Blakley; Act 2 by Jane Hill) providing commentary at appropriate points. There will be a Q&A session at the end of each Act.

Throughout, each member of the Audience plays the part of a member of the Board of Directors, in which capacity they have ultimate responsibility and liability for the conduct of StarCorp, Inc.

Act 1

Simulates intrusion into the corporation’s information system and the corporation’s response procedures, focusing particularly on actions to restore system operation, to prevent damage to company assets, and to collect evidence for possible prosecution (or other court proceedings).

In 5 scenes:
· Alarums and Excursions - the intrusion is discovered; service is suspended, the response team gathers
· Investigations and Response – the intrusion response process begins
· A Dramatic Discovery - the intrusion actually conceals an attack on a business partner's systems
· Service is restored - the attacks are defeated, service is restored
· The aftermath - report to management, discussion of prosecution

Act 2

In Act 2, the issues raised include reluctance of organisations to report losses or bring claims for fear of damage to their reputation; their duty/ liability to customers, business partners etc.; the effects of bringing proceedings (or defending claims) – evidential issues relating to discovery/ disclosure etc.; defining and quantifying loss; the role of security policies/audits etc.; and the role of insurance.

These issues are brought out in 5 scenes:
· The Writ - first responses: the StarCorp team take stock of their situation.
· Evidence review – a legal eye view of the decisions made in Act 1
· Legal strategy planning – StarCorp assesses the damage and potential litigants
· What to disclose or not to disclose – the lawyers and others consider the impact of public statements/depositions
· Final decisions - going to trial (or not?)

The cast

Rocky Wardrop - StarCorp IT Operations Manager Walter Stahlecker – Hewlett Packard / Open Group Board member
Col. K. A. "Kelly" Rider (ret.) - StarCorp IT Security Manager Steve Jenkins - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Lucinda Walls - StarCorp Order-Processing Application Owner Sally Long – The Open Group
Brenda Star – StarCorp CEO Jane Hill: Barrister, Chambers of Benet Hytner Q.C. London
David Auric - StarCorp Public Relations Officer Eliot Solomon – Eliot M. Solomon Consulting
Brendan “Blowtorch” Boylan - Boylan, Boylan, Singh, Girardo (retained counsel to Nebular Networks) Wes Kinnear - Holme Roberts & Owen, LLP
Anna Williamson – StarCorp Corporate Counsel Ola Clinton - Holme Roberts & Owen, LLP
Tim “the Terrier” Malone – Independent Daily Tabloid - reporter John Mawhood – Partner, Tarlo Lyons, London
Bailiff David Lounsbury – The Open Group
Board of Directors The audience

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