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David M. Lounsbury
VP, The Open Group

David M. Lounsbury is Vice President, Open Group Advanced Research & Innovation. In this role, he leads activities related to government research, with a particular focus on developing adaptive and
highly-reliable trusted distributed systems. Recent Advanced Research projects include development of end-to-end value-based resource management and failure detection capabilities under the DARPA QUORUM program, and Java-based fault tolerance technologies for the U.S. Navy. Current initiatives include the Active Loss Prevention program, which seeks to explore the business and legal issues surrounding IT systems risks.

Previous executive assignments at The Open Group include Vice President, Open Group Program Management. He also served as Vice President of the Collaborative Development Group, which fosters availability and proliferation of open systems technology through collaborative funding and development. Major programs in the group include LDAP, ActiveX Core Technology, DCE 1.2, CDE-Next, and Complex Text Layout PSTs, as well as support and consulting activities.

Other assignments at OSF was as director the Distributed Environment Engineering group. This group was responsible for production of the DCE 1.1 and DME 1.1/Netrwork Management Option echnologies. David has been the manager of OSF's DCE effort from the announcement
of the RFT in 1990.

Prior coming to OSF, David worked for Prime Computer as the manager of the Multiprocessor Operating Systems group, working on systems incorportaing CMU Mach and Unix System V release 4 technology. Earlier, he led the Open Systems technology group, which geveloped a variety of networking products including SNA, TCP/IP, and OSI Ethernet. David holds a degree in Electrical Engineering form Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and is holder of three U.S. patents.

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