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Eliot M. Solomon
Eliot M. Solomon Consulting, Inc.

Eliot M. Solomon has worked on the leading edge of information technology for more than thirty years. He gained experience in such diverse fields as electronic warfare, military C3, international telecommunications, medical electronics, and office automation equipment. Common to all this work was real time operation, mission- or life-critical significance, distributed and networked computing, and a need for security, privacy, and assured integrity for the information being processed.

For the last seventeen years Solomon has brought his expertise and creativity to the Securities Industry. In fifteen years at the Securities Industry Automation Corporation (SIAC) and its subsidiary SECTOR, Solomon made significant contributions to the architectures of systems and networks the entire market relies on. He was appointed SIAC’s first Distinguished Technologist and Vice President, in recognition not only of his contributions to SIAC, but also to the entire industry.

Solomon is founder and chair of The Securities Industry Middleware Council, Inc. (SIMC), an industry organization that works to improve the infrastructure of the Securities Industry. Solomon has guided SIMC since its founding in 1996, and helped it become a significant influence on the software vendors deliver to the industry, and the way the Securities Industry uses infrastructure technology. At The Open Group (OSF) Solomon chaired the DCE program and is now a member of the Sefurity Forum steering committee. He is frequently invited to speak at major conferences on the subject of linking information security and business policy, and the management of risk and trust.

Solomon has an A.B. in Computer Science from Columbia University and an M.S. in Management of Technology from Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, New York.

Eliot M. Solomon Consulting, Inc. offers the services of Eliot M. Solomon in the development and analysts of Information Technology strategy. Solomon has broad expertise in the design of enterprise-wide distributed computing infrastructures. He is highly regarded internationally for his expertise in designing security architectures that respect and support broader aspects of corporate policy. His special expertise is in those aspects of distributed infrastructures that provide and support trust and authorization services, and serve to manage, mitigate, and mediate risk.

Through Eliot M. Solomon Consulting, Inc., Mr. Solomon makes his services available on a contract basis. In addition, the services of other senior technologists with complementary specialties can be provided.

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