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Bob Blakley
Chief Scientist, Security and Privacy, IBM Tivoli Software

Bob Blakley is chief scientist for Security and Privacy at IBM Tivoli Software.He is general chair of the 2003 IEEE Security and Privacy Conference and has served as General Chair of the ACM New Security Paradigms Workshop. He serves on the National Academy of Science’s study group on Authentication Technologies and Their Privacy Implications. He was named Distinguished Security Practitioner by the 2002 ACM Computer Security and Applications Conference (ACSAC), and serves on the editorial board for the International Journal of Information Security (IJIS).

Bob Blakley was the editor of the OMG CORBA security specification, and is the author of "CORBA Security: An Introduction to Safe Computing with Objects", published by Addison-Wesley. Blakley was also the editor of the Open Group’s Authorization API specification and the OASIS Security Services Technical Committee’s SAML specification effort. Blakley has been involved in cryptography and data security design work since 1979 and has authored or co-authored seven papers on cryptography, secret-sharing schemes, access control, and other aspects of computer security.  He holds nine patents on security-related technologies.

Blakley received an A.B. in classics from Princeton University, and a master’s degree and Ph.D. in computer and communications sciences from the University of Michigan.

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