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Walter Stahlecker
Director of Industry Initiatives, Hewlett-Packard Company

Walter Stahlecker has worked closely with The Open Group (and X/Open) since 1987 in many groups, including the Architecture Forum, the Customer Council and the Board of Directors. Presently he explores a new program on Open Source in the Enterprise.

Walter is Director of Industry Initiatives for Hewlett-Packard Company in its Industry Standards Program Office since 2001. Previous responsibilities included being CTO of HP's Open Source and Linux Operation, developing a strategy for HP's system management program and building a corresponding SW lab which became a founding part of HP OpenView. In1984 Walter joined HPs' Computer Systems organization as the program manager for making UNIX a main part of HP's computer business.

Before this Walter held several management positions in the team which took HP's instruments division in Germany (now part of Agilent) to leadership in several new markets.

Walter joined HP after receiving his degree of Diplom Ingenieur in 1970 from the Technical University in Stuttgart, Germany.

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