New Methods and Tools for Improving Procurement of Information and Communication Technology


Participants in the PULSE, ASSIST and VALIDATE projects with the support of the SPRITE programme of the European Commission are investing nearly 2 million ECU in developing new and practical approaches to improving the way Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is procured. The SPRITE Procurement Symposium will provide the first detailed briefing of these new techniques and some of the experiences of both public and commercial organisations who are participating in the projects.


Coffee from 8:45
9:00 Welcome and Keynote Address

Graham Bird - The Open Group [Slides}

Keith Oldcorn - Midland Bank [Paper]

"Introducing change within a procurement organisation." A Director of Procurement describes how changes in procurement practices has substantially improved their financial position and value of ICT systems.
9:45 A diagnostic approach to selecting procurement best practice

S. Hansen - The Open Group [Slides]

A study of over 35 ICT procurements has analysed and identified the procurement best practices that result in improved projects. These practices and how they can be applied to address specific procurement issues will be presented.
10:30 Break  
10:45 A standard benchmark for assessing and improving procurement processes

Alec Dorling - IVF [Slides]


A self-managed approach to procurement improvement

Gilles Piegne - CDC Informatique [Slides]

Tomas Sweigert - SQS  [Slides]

With the introduction of the PULSE assessment methodology, organisations can now assess and benchmark their current procurement practices using an ISO-based procurement model. The PULSE methodology and how it is used to identify procurement improvements will be presented.

A new PC based self-assessment tool and procurement improvement framework will be presented that allows organisations to implement and monitor their own procurement improvement programmes.

12:30 Lunch  
14:00 Measuring and improving procurement teamworking and performance

David Rose - The Open Group [Slides]

A survey instrument for measuring how well procurement teams work together will be presented along with examples of how to use the measurements to diagnose and motivate teamwork improvements.
14:30 A comparison of procurement guides and methodologies

Dr. Uwe Kirchhoff - ATB [Slides]

A study of 12 of the most popular procurement guides and methodologies for both commercial and public organisations are analysed and compared.
15:30 New approaches to improving procurement teamworking

David Rose - The Open Group [Slides]

Alain Monroche - Rhone Poulenc [Slides]

Several organisations have undertaken controlled experiments to improve the way their procurement teams work together. Initial findings of a selection of these team building experiments will be presented.
15:15 Break  
16:15 Panel Discussion

All Presenters

Procurement Improvement: How to get started and what are the key factors for success?
17:00 Close