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Week's Agenda
The Open Group

Plenary Agenda: Monday, October 14

"Boundaryless Information Flow: The Role of Open Source"

09:00 - 09:10
Allen Brown (President & CEO, The Open Group)
09:10 - 09:50

Our keynote speaker is a member of the Board of Directors of the Free Standards Group, and the advocate for Open Source within The Open Group. In his keynote, Andrew will explain what Open Source actually is and why it is critically important to the future of IT.

Andrew Josey (Director of Certification, The Open Group)
09:50 - 10:30
Linux and Open Source: The dollars and sense of it

Most people talk about the "intellectual freedom" of Open Source or free software. Some people even relate that to improvement in code and rapidity of development. In this talk Open Source will be related to those two things important to all of us....making money and saving money. In addition the speaker will show how Open Source and Linux are enablers of new business. Case studies will be discussed.

Jon (Maddog) Hall (Executive Director, linux International)
10:30 - 11:00
Morning Break
11:00 - 12:30
Open Source Software in DoD - A DISA View

Surveys have shown significant use of open source software in the DoD.

This presentation will focus on this use, concerns and issues that have surfaced, and how they're being addressed.

Ken Linker,
COE (Web COP) Community Process Coordinator, with DISA's NCES Common Operating Environment Program Office.

Bringing Open Source to Market

Mary Ann will discuss the commitment IBM has to Linux and open source and how these technologies fit into IBM's long term technology and business plans. In addition, Mary Ann will discuss adoption of Linux in the marketplace and the trend towards Linux based systems by Governments around the world.

Mary Ann Fisher, Linux Program Director, Public Sector IBM Corporation
Open Source - Who owns what?

Ownership of IPR in Open Source technology and products based on Open Source technology is not always clear and there seems to be a bewildering array of different licenses. Larry Rosen will provide his insight into the Intellectual Property issues around Open Source.

Larry Rosen, Founding Partner, ROSENLAW.COM LLP;
Secretary and General Counsel of Open Source Initiative
12:30 - 13:30
13:30 - 15:30
The Scope of Open Source and The Processes Involved

In this session speakers from a variety of different Open Source initiatives will seek to dispel the commonly held perception that Open Source equals linux and also to explain the process by which the output from the essentially chaotic front end becomes the basis for stable commercial products.

Initiatives to be addressed will include:



Dirk-Willem van Gulik, President of the Apache Software Foundation.


The Open SOAP Project

The OpenSOAP project is aiming at developing a Web services middleware that serves as a platform for new e-businesses in the very near future. OpenSOAP has some distinctive features, such as asynchronized messaging, transaction management, security, and so on.

Through the Internet, the core part of OpenSOAP is available for free as an open source. This session introduces not only its technological side, but also our motivation and the goal of the project. The expected role of OpenSOAP is discussed.

Yukinori Kakazu Director Eng, Technoface Corporation


OpenOffice.org, code, community and customers

At last count, OpenOffice.org contained roughly 7.5 million lines of code, roughly 250 core developers - paid as well as volunteers, and judging by the amount of downloads, millions
of end users. Added to that, Sun uses the OpenOffice.org codebase as the foundation for its own, closed source StarOffice 6 application. This is an interesting mix of characters to say the least, and poses a set of unique management issues.

Martijn Dekkers, Community Representative, OpenOffice.org


Martin Kirk Director, Enterprise Management, The Open Group
15:30 - 16:00
Afternoon Break
16:00 - 16:45
The Future of Open Source

The rate at which IT vendors have embraced Open Source projects as the basis for their products has been astonishing. Bruce Perens will discuss the factors which have led to this .. the business case for vendors.

Bruce Perens (Author of the Open Source Definition)
16:45 - 17:00
Allen Brown (President & CEO, The Open Group)

Go to the plenary agenda for Wednesday,October 16
" Boundaryless Information Flow: Wireless Data Summit"

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