van Gulik,
President, Apache Software Foundation.
Dirk-Willem van Gulik is a Senior Partner at the Tribal Knowledge Group,
a specialist Apache consultancy company, with 15 years of Internet engineering,
consulting and project management experience. Along with his work at the
European Commission, the United Nations, telecommunications firms, satellite
and space agencies, Dirk also held both VP of Engineering and VP of Research
positions with Covalent Technologies.
Gulik's work on Apache has revolved around large enterprise systems such
as portals, entitlement systems and Web interfaces to legacy systems.
He has worked with a broad range of international standards bodies, such
as the IETF on metadata, protocols, URIs GIS and other Internet standards.
He currently is a board member of the Apache Software Foundation, the
not for profit entity behind the Apache web server, tomcat, and xml.