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In the harsh light of today’s commercial realities, creating an effective Enterprise Architecture can make the difference between business success and failure. The successful enterprise adjusts its operations quickly and smoothly to meet today’s challenges: rapid changes in the market, the introduction of new technologies, and shifting business priorities. The optimization of resources is critical, supply and demand need to be dynamically matched, and businesses must strive to reduce or eliminate unproductive or redundant elements.
A successful Enterprise Architecture exists as the keystone that enables the attainment of a dynamic and competitive organization, the Enterprise Architecture is itself dependant upon the correct architecture, standards and skills framework.
The 18th Enterprise Architecture Practitioners Conference in Glasgow will seek to detail the core elements of an Enterprise Architecture that provide the foundation for a dynamic and successful business environment. Each day will include a mix of end-user case studies, testimonials and panel discussions, providing a business rationale and roadmap through which the modern business can make the best use of its enterprise architecture to attain an agile and competitive organizational structure.
Service Orientation is now firmly established as the leading style of Enterprise Architecture, delivering multiple benefits across the enterprise. It has emerged as a viable way to help organizations meet their business goals and provide IT agility, an agility that is fundamental to the creation of a modern successful enterprise. This event will take a look at the business dimensions of SOA and demonstrate how it can deliver improved information flow and enterprise agility.
TOGAF™ (The Open Group Architecture Framework) is used by 80% of the Forbes Global Top 50 companies, and has emerged as the definitive framework among Enterprise Architects for developing information systems architectures. Through the use of working application case studies and peer-group discussion, the event will demonstrate how the architecture framework is central to the development of an effective enterprise architecture.
Enterprises need assurance that the staff or service providers they hire have the skills and experience necessary to address the complexities of enterprise architecture. At the same time, professional Enterprise Architects need a recognized, portable and professional grade qualification to make them more marketable.

The Association of Open Group Enterprise Architects (AOGEA) is the definitive professional association for Enterprise Architects. The conference will highlight the work of the Association and examine the increasing role of standards-based certification programs in assuring today’s architects possess the proper skills and experience.
The Open Group’s IT Architect Certification (ITAC) program is the premier, global certification program for certifying skills and experience in the enterprise IT architecture community. Based on the proven best practices in the industry, it sets an independent, industry-wide standard for IT Architects and creates a foundation for trust between suppliers and customers.
Attaining the right standards, framework, and skill-set for your professional Enterprise Architects boosts your business’ IT agility, enabling the achievement of dynamic business practices and significant competitive advantage.
About the Open Group:
The Open Group is a vendor-neutral and technology-neutral consortium, whose vision of Boundaryless Information Flow™ will enable access to integrated information, within and among enterprises, based on open standards and global interoperability.