Hakim Moi, Enterprise Architect, Carphone Warehouse Group PLC, UK |
Enterprise Architect, at CPW Group PLC, UK, Career to date spans twelve years (1995 2007) of extensive IT industry experience & consulting with multi-national technology companies, & software houses, focusing on the needs of government agencies, banks, financial investment firms, insurance, energy, media & Telco companies in UK and EU markets
Most recent engagements
Keynote Speaker: Presented a paper on Telco & Wireless Technologies in Emerging Markets: Conference on Media & Telco in Developing Countries: 16 17 November 2007, Washington DC
White paper: IMS Architecture Value Proposition for Mobile & Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs)
Architecture Board & Programme Management Level Presentations internally in CPWP |
Architecture Decision Process at Project and Programme Level at Carphone Warehouse Group A case study of Enterprise Architecture Decisions made in the context of engagement with the business. It defines Architecture Decision at a project & programme level, as a uniquely identifiable process with specific inputs, deliverables, and involving not one but many key actors and business stakeholders. The process evolved over a number of years and applied successfully across business-critical projects and programmes. In order to trigger the process, certain criteria must be met, such as whether the trigger is a business change request, a technology issue, or a project/programme level request. As only certain identifiable circumstances would trigger the process, periodic audits with process owners, measurement of the success and effectiveness of the process were possible, resulting in streamlined processes.
Enterprise Architects, Programme & Project
Managers, Business Relationship Managers
Key takeaways:-
1. EA engagement model (Project/ Programme Level)
2. Architecture Decision Governance, Impact Evaluation & Change Management
3. AD process audit and measurement of it & EA value to the business
to program