Rich Mogull, Principal Analyst, Securosis |
Rich Mogull has over 17 years experience in information security, physical security, and risk management. Prior to founding Securosis, Rich spent 7 years as one of the leading security analysts with Gartner, where he advised thousands of clients, authored dozens of reports and was consistently rated as one of Gartner's top international speakers. He is one of the world's premier authorities on data security technologies and has covered issues ranging from vulnerabilities and threats, to risk management frameworks, to major application security.
Security Architectures for the future:
The Role of Today's Security Technologies in the Information-centric Security Architectures of the Future This session will briefly describe security architectures today, and some of the issues that are causing organization to rethink their strategies for securing information. The session will assess how and where some of the established security technologies (firewalls and e-mail security, and emerging security technologies (data leak prevention, endpoint security, network access control, enterprise
rights management, and on and on) will fit into a information-centric security architectures in the future.
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