Security and Electronic Commerce Program Group Meeting
Montreal.gif (1868 bytes)                                 San Diego, 24th- 28rd January 2000


- last updated 17th December  1999

Public Sessions are on Monday and Tuesday
All other sessions of the Security Program Group are for members and invited guests only

Monday 24th January 2000

09:00 The theme of the Conference is "Enterprise Management for eBusiness in the 21st Century"

This is a full day of presentations from leading players in this sector of the industry, with ample opportunity for questions and answers with the speakers.

For full details see the Plenary Agenda.

Tuesday  25th January 2000

08.30 Recent Developments at The Open Group.
Mike Lambert (The Open Group)
For full details see the Agenda.
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Security Briefing

Introduction and welcome - Steve Whitlock (Boeing), Nick Mansfield(Shell)

Making e-Business Secure: The Role of Common Data Security Architecture (CDSA) and PKI

For full details see the Agenda.

12:30 Lunch Break
02:00 Security briefing - continued.
15:30 Coffee Break
16:00 Members:
- Customer Forum meeting
- Suuplier Forum meeting

Briefing on The Open Group

For full details see the Agenda.

Wednesday 26th January 2000

08:30 In preparation
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 In preparation
12:30 Lunch Break
14:00 In preparation
15:30 Coffee Break
16:00 In preparation

Thursday 27th January 2000

08:30 In preparation
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 In preparation
12:30 Lunch Break  
14:00 In preparation
15:30 Coffee Break
16:00 In preparation

Friday 28th January 2000

08:30 In preparation
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 In preparation
12:30 Lunch Break, and close of meeting

Please feel free to mail any suggestions for improving the relevanve of the Agenda to the program's email alias or speak with Steve Whitlock (Program Group Chair), Nick Mansfield (Vice Chair) or Jeremy Hilton (Program Manager)

See also:Security and Electronic Commerce program area.