Tuesday 26 October 1999, 0830 - 17.30 Updated 12 January, 2000
Members & Non-Members
Recent Developments in The Open Group
plus a look into the future
Mike Lambert, Chief Technical Officer, The Open Group
10.30 - 11.00 Coffee
Members Non-Members 11.00
Security Program Group
PG members only11.00
Technical Tracks
Select from one of the following 90-minute modules
- Application Management 1 : AIC
- CDSA & PKI 1
12.30 - 14.00 Lunch
Security Program Group (continued)
PG members only14.00
Technical Tracks (continued)
Select from one of the following 90-minute modules
- Application Management 2 : ARM
- CDSA & PKI 2
- XSLM (Software Licence Management)
15.30 - 16.00 Coffee
Members Non-Members 16.00
Customer Forum
Supplier Forum16.00
Briefing on the Open GroupMembers & Non-Members
Special session on E-speak
Alan H. Karp, Chief Scientist, Open Services Operation, Hewlett-Packard
E-speak is the open-source software platform for creating, composing, mediating, managing, and accessing Internet-based e-services. It solves the problems of naming, describing, managing, and controlling access in a manner that makes it easier and safer to allow remote access and to do businesses in heterogeneous environments. E-speak started as a research project at HP Labs and this talk by Alan Karp from HP will describe the requirements that led to the various features of the e-speak architecture as well as its key innovations. [Fuller abstract]