The Open Group

Supplier Council Agenda

What the Plenary is About
The plenary theme for the Boston Conference is "Boundaryless Information Flow - the Role of Web Services". The linkage is that The Open Group vision is for “Boundaryless Information Flow” which involves information flow from one application to another application, and Web Services similarly involves getting information from one application to another. We therefore want to explore how Web Services can contribute to our vision for achieving boundaryless information flow.

The Supplier Angle
Web Services are promising new opportunities to provide solutions and compete. Direct interaction with customers and speakers will clarify these opportunities. The Open Group's supplier members should respond by proposing areas of commonality and interoperability. To do so, there needs to be an appropriate venue. 

Following a joint session with the Customer Council as our partner, the Supplier Council will be re-constituted. This initial session will focus on the value proposition and role of supplier-type members, and on the re-constitution of the Supplier Council.

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Monday 22nd July 2002

Boundaryless Information Flow: The Role of Web Services
see Plenary agenda


Networking Reception

Tuesday 23rd July 2002 -  AM

Boundaryless Information Flow: The Role of Web Services
see Plenary agenda

Tuesday 23rd July 2002 - PM

Supplier Council: User Perspectives on Web Services
(Open to All Conference Attendees)
14:00-15.30:   Joint Meeting of Customer and Supplier Councils
14:00 Welcome & Introduction
Carl Bunje &
Walter Stahlecker
14.15 Open Group update
Mike will summarize the significant achievements and progress we have made since our previous meeting in Paris (April 22-26).
Mike Lambert
14.35 Web Services and Boundaryless Information Flow - the big picture
Boundaryless Information Flow is a vision to which many organizations aspire. Achieving Boundaryless Information Flow requires an in-depth understanding of the business, the set of services that the business needs, and the technologies required in the information infrastructure in order to provide those services. This brief highlights the services needed in the modern enterprise to provide Boundaryless Information Flow and where Web Services are seen to fit.
Terry Blevins
13.55 Transforming of C2 Systems into the Enterprise Network. DoD has made huge investments into a complex network of systems for command and control.  Systems today are generally self-contained and enclaved into various classified and unclassified network infrastructures. The evolution to web services will require a radical shift in how systems and capabilities are fielded into the C2 Enterprise Network vice the traditional system concept Rob Walker (DISA)

Coffee Break

16:00-17.30:   Meeting of Supplier Council only
16:00 Introduction
Through the existence of The Open Group, a series of Supplier Councils has existed to provide a venue for supplier-type members to discuss and progress their specific interests in The Open Group. 

There is a wide range of  members, and thus many opportunities for partnering and growing the market by defining common ground and interoperability.

Walter has written a short paper in which he describes several areas where a Supplier Council can create value for its members, and he also proposes a mode of operation to conduct its business.

Walter Stahlecker
16.10 Expected Values
- Brief introductions and expectations from all participants
- Discussion of the top values
- Selection of top values
16.40 Roles of the Supplier Council
- Functions of the Supplier Council, in view of top values
- Liaisons with Customer Council and Work Areas
17.10 Re-constituting the Supplier Council
- Structure
- Election of representatives (for the rest of 2002)
- Progression of top-value items


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