QoS Task Force Agenda
- including joint sessions with the Architecture, Enterprise
Management, and Real-Time and Embedded Systems Forums
Tuesday Evening: 6:00 - 8:00
Expert Panel on:
“End-to-End Service Level Assurance in the Boundaryless
Tuesday evening features a panel of speakers focusing on
the customer demand for guaranteed Quality of Service Levels as reflected
by the Enterprise SLA Survey conducted jointly by The Open Group’s QoS
Task Force & Sage Research, and by specific customer stories. The panel
will also highlight some of the major provider issues with delivering
QoS from within the various domains of the end-to-end picture. The Panel
will kick off with a 10-minute customer presentation on the importance
of end-to-end QoS across multiple domain boundaries. Following this will
be 10-minute presentations from each panelist on the piece of the end-to-end
picture they represent and what major QoS delivery issues they see in
that space. These mini-presentations will be followed by questions from
the audience.
Issues and challenges raised during this Tuesday Evening
panel will act as focal points for the Wednesday sessions.
Look Who's on
the Panel
Wednesday, July 24
Full Day Open Session (Members and Non-Members)
"Mapping Service Level Assurances Across Boundaries"
Objectives of this Project and this Session are:
To move toward a more complete understanding of the operational
requirements driving QoS demands across traditional enterprise boundaries
and to arrive at ways of working together with other consortia, vendors
and customers to respond to those requirements with effective QoS standards
and assurances that work across boundaries.
9:00 - 10:30
Jean Hammond, Chair, Quality of Service Task Force
This session will offer a problem statement with context
setting using some end-to-end component models from the QoS Task Force
to provide a common base of understanding for discussion during the rest
of the day. This session will provide some reflection points on the Tuesday
evening Panel, the Enterprise focused Service Level Agreement Survey conducted
jointly with The QoS Task Force and Sage Research and on what we need
to consider in mapping Service Level Agreements and QoS across all domains.
10:30 - 11:00 Break
11:00 - 12:30
This session will offer a roundtable vendor discussion in
which each vendor (target number is 8 vendors) will spend ten minutes
talking about where in the end-to-end framework their product fits and
how it addresses QoS. We are targeting vendors with products addressing
QoS in the following areas: Routers and Edge Devices, Monitoring Devices
or Monitoring Software, Service Provider Infrastructure, and Data Storage.
Vendors Presenting and Participating in the Round Table
Tom Bishop, Chief Technology Officer, VIEO
The explosive growth of multi-tiered web-based business applications
is straining the IT organization's ability to manage Application Quality
of Service (AQoS) to meet business objectives. Conventional systems
management products focus only on configuring and monitoring enterprise
computing resources. These tools cannot truly manage (measure, analyze,
and affect) the elements of an application environment. VIEO's Adaptive
Application Infrastructure Management (AAIM) solution is a next-generation
systems management product designed to manage Application Quality
of Service (AQoS) in order to ensure that business objectives are
achieved. VIEO's AAIM solution ensures business-critical application
certainty by empowering organizations to cost-effectively measure,
analyze, and affect application-dedicated resources as a single computer.
This solution leverages VIEO's InfiniBand(tm) fabric-enabling products
to provide unprecedented insight into the entire application environment,
as well as the ability to dynamically affect IT resources based on
application demands and business priorities.
David Black, Senior Technologist, EMC Corporation
David Black will discuss Storage aspects Quality of Service including
the roles of storage systems and infrastructure as both providers
and consumers of quality of service. The effects of storage on where
the ends are in providing end to end QoS and examples of storage QoS
mechanisms will also be addressed.
- Steve Blumenthal, Senior VP & CTO, Genuity
Genuity, is one of the country's largest web hosting, advanced Internet,
and security service providers in the world. Steve will discuss the
types of services that Genuity has to offer and how they address Quality
of Service. Genuity was responsible for the construction of the first
75 points of presence (POPs) across the U.S. and currently has close
to 300 service delivery points in the US and 25 overseas.
Cam Cullen, Director of Product Management,
Quarry Technologies
Quarry Technologies' products sit at the edge of the Service Provider
network and are focused on delivering QoS to the applications that
their customers want treated with priority. Quarry's iQ-series switches
accomplish this through intelligent classification, DiffServ marking,
traffic policing, and advanced queuing to ensure these applications
are sent through the service providers network properly. The issues
we see are ensuring that the Service Provider has a backbone capable
of delivering QoS.
Dr. Neil Davies, Chief Scientist, U4EA Group
U4EA has developed platform- and protocol-independent technology
that delivers consistent and predictable QoS. We call this Guarantee
of Service or GoS™. It is the only technology currently available
that can give users a confident prediction of the quality of service
that they can expect under a given configuration. The user can specify
differential treatment for each stream of data, according to its individual
needs; the GoS configuration software then predicts the maximum levels
of loss and delay that will result. Because GoS is based on a rigorous
mathematical model, these predictions take the form of strong statistical
guarantees of service. This solution has immediate benefits for converged
networks by delivering control over major points of contention, while
providing a framework for integration for creating and managing end-to-end
QoS delivery.
- Bill Kish, CTO, Coyote Point Systems, Inc.
Coyote Point Systems builds Internet Traffic Management solutions that
improve QOS by increasing the scalability, availability and manageability
of server resources. Our products are installed In the Service Provider
Infrastructure, typically between the physical servers and public network
and provide the following services: Geographic targeting: Providing
appropriate content to users, based on their actual geographic location
and "last mile" bandwidth. Geographic Load Balancing: Directing users
to server resources based on network proximity and availability. Server
Load Balancing: Joining clusters of individual servers into scalable
and highly available "super servers." QOS is improved by optimizing
network latency between client and server, delivering tailored content
and insuring optimal server resource usage.
Kimberly Odom, Director of Product Management,
Covad Wholesale
Covad Communications is the leading national broadband service
provider of high-speed Internet and network access utilizing Digital
Subscriber Line (DSL) technology. Covad provides a variety of affordable,
broadband, last-mile solutions to telecommunications carriers and
ISPs, as well as directly to end-users. When DSL technology began
wide-spread introduction in the late 1990s, it was touted as a "poor
man's T1 solution", and typically lacked any customer-facing QoS parameters
or SLAs. As DSL technology matured, Covad has been the key driver
in changing the mind-set with respect to service reliability by introducing
comprehensive SLAs with the ultimate end user of the technology in
mind. The performance of both our key suppliers (e.g. RBOC), and the
reselling service providers offer the biggest opportunity for continuous
Dan O'Farrell, VP of Product Marketing
at Peribit Networks
Peribit networks offers network infrastructure technology that
instantly increases WAN bandwidth capacity. Our products are situated
on LANs between the edge router and the LAN switch, and operate on
IP packets destined to traverse the wide area. We see ourselves as
directly addressing the primary reason that QoS exists -- limited
WAN bandwidth. While essentially generating new bandwidth out of existing
network infrastructure, our products can also honor existing QoS characteristics
already set in the network, and/or prioritize traffic by application.
Raju Rajan, CTO Ipsum Networks
Ipsum Networks develops solutions that enhances the stability
and availability of IP networks. Our products provide visibility into
network dynamics, allowing operators to pin-point problem areas in
the network. A big piece of QoS is understanding why an application
is performing poorly -- is it because of a long path, or resource
unavailability on a link, or frequent path changes? Ipsum's solutions
quickly determine the set of links and routers that a particular application
is using (this is the hard part) and then assess which component in
this set is the problem.
Vladimir Sukonnic, VP Technology
Sitara Networks delivers and QoS solution to enterprise networks.
It deploys its equipment at the edges of the corporate WAN. The solution
monitors the networks, manages mission critical traffic and reports
on the policies deployed through its management station.
Leon K. Woo, Vice President & CTO, Tenor Networks,
Tenor Networks offers a platform that enables service providers with
the ability to deliver guaranteed service levels across a packet-based
network. Located in the metro core network, Tenor’s flagship product,
the TN250G, delivers new services and enables interworking with existing
data services such as Frame Relay and ATM. These new metro Ethernet-based
data services such as virtual private LAN services, voice-over-IP
services, and high speed internet access require high capacity Gigabit
Ethernet aggregation with deterministic QoS levels for service differentiation.
Located in the WAN core, the TN250G performs bandwidth management
using deterministic QoS for converging and migrating a diverse set
of new and legacy carrier services over critical transport resources.
In addition to new service deployment, the TN250G significantly increases
the overall utilization and availability of the service provider's
infrastructure for improved return on assets.
12:30 - 2:00 Lunch
2:00 - 3:30
The third session will provide break-out sessions with small
groups to discuss what really needs to be done to: 1) Map the delivery
of QoS to customer’s operational requirements 2) Specify, measure, and
propagate QoS throughout multiple domains, and 3) Work together with customers,
vendors, and consortia to provide the right standards, monitoring capability,
and assurances needed to give customers the level of QoS they need to
meet their enterprise requirements.
3:30 - 4:00 Break
4:00 - 5:30
Sally Long, Director of The Quality of Service Task Force
The fourth session will provide an overview of the QoS Task
Force Vision, Road Map and Next Steps. The goal is to encourage all customers,
vendors and consortia interested in that same vision to work together
with us to provide end-to-end Quality of Service guarantees for business
managers and enterprise customers.
Wednesday Evening - Harbor Dinner Cruise
Thursday July 25
(Members and Invited Participants Only )
8:30 - 10:30
Joint Session - QoS Task Force, Enterprise Management Forums
Jon Saperia, President, JDS Consulting Inc., Major
contributor to SLA White Paper , Survey, Handbook
Andrea Westerinen, Senior Architect and Manager
of Information Modeling at Cisco Systems
This is an ongoing QoS Task Force Project that is investigating:
QoS requirements and goals for Service Level Agreements (SLA), Measurement
requirements for SLAs, and Application Traffic Marking, all at the Enterprise
Level. The objective of this session is to:
- Leave participants with a better understanding of the problem space
and the concept of SLA's in the enterprise.
- Invite representatives from the DMTF Policy WG to both get their input
on our SLA work thus far, and to see where we can work more closely
in the future on that work.
- Present current deliverables (see below): SLA Survey Results, SLA
White Paper, TMF Joint Initiative for review and interactive discussion
on next steps.
SLA Survey, created by the QoS Task Force, will be
distributed via the web, and results evaluated and used to: enhance the
SLA White Paper and contribute to the development of volume 4 of the TMF's
SLA Handbook.
SLA White Paper, to include: the requirements and
goals for Service Level Agreements at the enterprise level, the identification
of traffic associated with a specific instance of a service , the requirements
for marking traffic for service level agreements and the requirements
for measuring service delivery.
Volume 4 of the TeleManagement Forum's SLA Handbook.
This is a joint initiative with the TM Forum. The QoS Task Force will
write volume 4, which will focus on SLA requirements as driven by Enterprise
Application requirements.
10:30 - 11:00 Break
11:00 - 3:30
Joint Session - QoS and Real-Time and Embedded Systems Forums
Objectives of this project are to: Arrive at standards or
guidelines for integrated QoS that account for Real-Time Requirements
with particular attention to:
- Dependable Timeliness - indicative of real-time application requirements
- QoS/Real-Time application patterns in various programming enclaves
(e.g. procedural, database, parallel, and potentially safety critical)
- Real-Time metrics for Integrated QoS
The expected outcome of this session is to: come away with
a better understanding of customer's Real-Time / QoS requirements and
how they relate to the various programming enclaves, capture and validate
requirements with participating customers and vendors, and to use the
requirements as a basis for defining a QoS-Real-Time Challenge to vendors.
The challenge is expected to be to vendors who are currently
addressing the Real-Time / QoS problem in one or more of the various programming
enclaves. Through the challenge, customers and vendors will identify the
gaps between what customers require in the QoS/Real-Time space and what
vendors are supplying. These gaps will lead to guidelines and standards
where appropriate.
Dock Allen, Mitre Corporation,
Chair of the QoS-Real-Time Requirements Project Group
Robert Allen, Associate Technical Fellow,
The Boeing Company
Presentation Perspective: The overriding requirement of real-time
systems is predictability. For distributed real-time systems, this includes
inter-processor communication. Historically, the requirements of predictable
communication have largely been addressed by overbuilding communication
networks to ensure that capacity far exceeds worst-case requirements.
However, for future system-of-systems concepts being proposed, "throwing
bandwidth" at the problem is not a viable solution. This presentation
poses the question of how do we build large scale networks to support
real-time systems and it explores possible approaches to network management
and information logistics.
Tom Bishop, Chief Technology Officer,
The convergence of wireless communications and the web present IT organizations
with unprecedented challenges in managing quality of service for real-time,
web-based applications. Conventional systems management products focus
primarily on monitoring these systems and reporting when service objectives
are not being met; some even attempt to suggest where the problems may
lie. VIEO's Adaptive Application Infrastructure Management (AAIM) solution
ensures business- critical application quality-of-service certainty by
measuring, analyzing, and affecting these application-dedicated resources
in real time. This solution leverages VIEO's InfiniBand(tm) fabric-enabling
products to provide unprecedented insight into the entire application
environment, as well as the ability to dynamically (in real time) affect
IT resources based on instantaneous application demands and business priorities.
Robert Kindel, Ph.D., Department
Head of Field Support at Real-Time Innovations, Inc.
Presentation Perspective: Real-Time Inovations, Inc. is a leading
provider of software tools, platforms, networking services and professional
services for control systems and real-time embedded applications. Real-time
distributed systems demand low-latency and determinism from the network
and inter-process communications layers in order to provide reliable
long-term operation. This talk will explain how the Publish-Subscribe
data transaction paradigm can be used to achieve fast, predictable and
robust performance. I will also discuss some of the QoS trade-offs that
must be made in real-time systems.
Tom Wheeler, Senior Principal
Engineer and Associate Section Leader for Real-Time and Distributed Computing
at the MITRE Corporation
Presentation Perspective: QoS-Driven Adaptive Airborne Tracking
- this talk will discuss results from a US Air Force sponsored Advanced
Technology Demonstration worked by MITRE, The Open Group Research Institute,
and the Air Force Research Laboratory. Topics to be covered include
key technologies employed, analysis of a dynamic environment, and QoS-aware
design of a prototype airborne tracking application.
4:00 - 5:30
Joint Session - QoS and Architecture Forums.
Chris Greenslade and John Spencer, Chair and Director of The Open Group
Architecture Forum
Jean Hammond and Sally Long, Chair and Director of The Open Group QoS
Task Force
The Task Force has described the End-to-End concept via
their "Component Model", depicting, at a high level, QoS within and across
three major domains: the Enterprise - The Wide Area Networks, and the
Remote Services.
The Open Group's Architecture Framework (TOGAF) is an open
architectural model that could be used to refine and represent the end-to-end
concept in a way that allows more depth and flexibility in the model.
In addition the QoS Task Force has collected a significant
amount of information from the industry on existing QoS standards. The
Task Force would like to work with the Architecture Forum to submit those
to The Open Group's Standards Information Base (SIB) a repository of industry
standards associated with the delivery of various technology services
and organized in a manner that compliments the TOGAF model.
This kick-off session in Boston will run for 1.5 hours.
The session will start with a 45 minute overview of: TOGAF,
the QoS Task Force End-to-End Component Model, and the Standards Information
The session will continue with 45 minutes of Discussion
on the objectives, the possibilities, the constraints, and the next steps
for an ongoing Joint Project.
Speaker Biographies
In alphabetical order
Dock Allen, Principal Software Systems Engineer
at the MITRE Corporation
Dock is also Chairs the Object Management Group Task Force on Real-time,
Embedded, and Specialized Systems. Dock has over 35 years experience as
a software technologist, including 20+ years working with real-time systems.
She chairs a successful international committee for real-time standards
in the Object Management Group, and manages a research project that is
working with advanced architecture concepts for web service environments.
Robert Allen, Associate Technical Fellow,
The Boeing Company
Robert Allen is an Associate Technical Fellow for the Boeing Company.
He has over 17 years of experience designing and developing embedded real-time
systems. Robert has worked on, supported, or lead software teams working
on Boeing fighters, bombers, and commercial aircraft. Robert is currently
a member of the Boeing Phantom Works Software Technology organization,
which is chartered with providing enabling technologies to the Boeing
software community.
Tom Bishop, Chief Technology Officer, VIEO
Tom Bishop is the Chief Technology Officer for VIEO, a leader in Adaptive
Application Infrastructure Management. A respected technology innovator,
Bishop has more than 24 years of technology industry experience, including
over a decade in senior executive positions. Bishop holds 9 patents in
the areas of fault tolerant computing, distributed computing, and multi-processing.
Some of his most notable accomplishments include spearheading the design
and development of Tivoli's award winning Tivoli Management Agent technology
and leading the formation of the initial group (at Tivoli, with Microsoft
and Intel) that led to the development of the initial CIM specification.
He was also responsible for forming the initial combined OSF/Unix Int'l
group that led to the development of the POSIX p-threads specification.
Before joining VIEO, Bishop served as President of 2nd Wave, Inc., a
provider of IT decision-support solutions. Prior to 2nd Wave, Bishop was
the Chief Technology Officer and a General Manager at Tivoli Systems,
where his responsibilities included defining technical and research direction,
leading standards activities, and establishing the partner program. During
his tenure with Tivoli, the company grew from revenues of $25 million
to approximately $1.6 billion in 1998. Before joining Tivoli, Bishop held
senior technology positions at Bell Labs where he worked with the group
that developed the initial implementation of Tuxedo, a product that he
named. Bishop has also held key leadership positions at UNIX International,
Tandem Computers and Locus Computing Corporation. Bishop is a published
author and keynote presenter.
David Black, Senior Technologist, EMC Corporation
David L. Black, Ph.D. is a Senior Technologist at EMC Corporation, a member
of the SNIA (Storage Network Industry Association) Technical Council and
one of the chairs of the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) IP Storage
(ips) Working Group. In the latter role, he oversees standardization of
block storage over IP protocols (e.g., iSCSI, FCIP, iFCP). He is a co-author
of IETF RFCs (Request for Comments) on Differentiated Services (network
QoS) and TCP Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN), and is one of the
principal authors of the SNIA Shared Storage Model. At EMC he helps formulate
corporate technology and product strategy and serves as a consulting engineer
to product groups across the company. Prior to EMC, Dr. Black performed
operating systems research and development at the Research Institute of
the Open Software Foundation (OSF), later part of The Open Group. Dr.
Black holds an M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon
University along with an M.A. in Mathematics from the University of Pennsylvania,
and has over 10 years of experience in operating systems design and implementation.
He is a member of the ACM, and the IEEE Computer Society.
Steve Blumenthal, Senior VP & CTO, Genuity
Steve Blumenthal is currently the Senior Vice President and Chief Technology
Officer for Genuity (formerly GTE Internetworking and BBN) where he is
responsible for setting the technical direction for the company and helping
with the formation of strategy and business development. Following BBN's
acquisition by GTE in 1997, he led the design and construction of GTE's
Global Network Infrastructure (GNI), a worldwide fiber optic network supporting
advanced Internet, web hosting, and security services. In 1999, his group
completed lighting up over 17,700 miles of dark fiber and the construction
of the first 75 points of presence (POPs) across the US. Genuity currently
has about 300 service delivery points in the US and 25 overseas. Mr. Blumenthal
has been responsible for the development and engineering for Genuity's
Internet service offerings.
Cam Cullen, Director of Product Management ,
Quarry Technologies
Responsible for product definition, life cycle management, and profitability
of Quarry's iQ family of advanced IP Service Switches, Mr. Cullen previously
worked for 3Com Corporation, where he working in positions of increasing
responsibility in Sales, Marketing, and Business Development. Before 3Com,
he was a member of the US Air Force and worked at the National Security
Agency and the Air Force Information Warfare Center. While at NSA, Cullen
led the effort to define the requirements for the first high-speed ATM
and IP encryption device for use in government networks, the TACLANE KG-175.
Cullen holds a BSEE from the University of Alabama.
Dr. Neil Davies, Chief Scientist, Software at
Dr. Davies is Chief Scientist, Software at U4EA PLC, the developer of
predicable Quality of Service technology, based in Bristol, England.
From 1996 until June 2000, Dr Davies was Research Fellow and Principal
Consultant with the Partnership in Advanced Computing Technology (PACT),
which is based at the Science Research Foundation in the UK. Additionally,
from 1988 until June 2000, he was a member of the Department of Computer
Science at the University of Bristol, where he lectured at final year
and postgraduate level. In 1998 he was a founder and Principal Technical
Manager of the Bristol Creative Technology Network, an initiative to introduce
leading edge switching and communications technology into the practice
of the UK media industry. Dr Davies has published a number of papers on
topics such as "End-to-End Management of Mixed Applications Across Networks"
and "Large Valency Serial Wormhole Routing Networks as a Scalable Multimedia
Switching Infrastructure".
Robert Kindel, Ph.D., Department Head of Field
Support, Real-Time Innovations, Inc
Dr. Kindel has experience designing fault-tolerant distributed real-time
systems for medical robots, UGVs, telephone switching equipment and industrial
robots. Much of his recent work has been focused on developing technologies
to make real-time communications easier to configure and debug during
system integration. Before working at Real-Time Innovations, Dr. Kindel
obtained an M.S. and Ph.D. in Aero/Astro Engineering from Stanford University
where he developed an autonomous space robot in the Aerospace Robotics
Bill Kish, CTO, Coyote Point Systems, Inc.
Bill Kish is CTO at Coyote Point Systems, Inc. where he leads the Architecture
and development teams for Coyote Point's traffic management appliance
division. Prior to founding Coyote Point, Kish conducted research for
companies including IBM, Open Software Foundation and Data General in
the areas of distributed systems and large-scale Internet architectures.
He holds an M.S. in Computer Science from Columbia University and holds
several patents in operating systems and distributed systems technologies.
Kimberly Odom, Director of Product Management,
Covad Wholesale
Kimberly Odom is responsible for the development and life-cycle management
of Covad’s wholesale broadband services portfolio. A 12-year telecommunications
veteran, Ms. Odom has extensive experience in the local, Internet, and
broadband telecommunications sectors and joined Covad in December of 1999
to lead the development of the company’s IP services. Prior to joining
Covad, she spent three and a half years with GTE Internetworking (cka
Genuity) where she held a series of Product and Sales Management positions.
Ms. Odom also spent several years working in various Product Management
and Software Engineering positions with GTE (cka Verizon). Ms. Odom received
a Masters of Business Administration from the University of Texas at Dallas,
and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the University of North
Dan O'Farrell,
VP of Product Marketing at Peribit Networks
Dan is a 19-year data networking veteran.
His background includes development roles at IBM and Tymnet Inc. on some
of the world's first and largest packet-switched WANs. Dan has had
various networking, pre-sales, and product management roles at H-P
and NET, with senior marketing management experience at interWAVE
Communications, Sun Microsystems, Inktomi, and now Peribit. His
product and marketing background covers a wide array of networking technologies,
including X.25, frame-relay, ATM, TCP-IP, digital wireless, and edge proxy
caching and content delivery. Dan has been Peribit's VP or Product
Marketing since January of 2001. Dan
holds a B.S. degree in Computer Science from the State University of New
York at Plattsburgh.
Raju Rajan, Cheif Technology Officer, Ipsum Networks
Raju is a leading expert on policy based network management. He spent
several years at both AT&T and IBM leading design and development on COPS
and policy standardization efforts. Raju received his Ph.D from University
of Wisconsin. He is currently co-founder and CTO of Ipsum Networks, a
network management software startup.
Jon Saperia, President, JDS Consulting Inc.
After a number of years working for a range of small to large public
corporations, Jon Saperia formed JDS Consulting, Inc. He has extensive
experience in computer and network systems development and deployment
with an emphasis on standards-based network management technology. For
the past 10 years he has actively worked in the Internet Engineering Task
Force as a contributor, author, and working group chair in many areas
related to SNMP based management. He has created management software product
direction for systems and applications and led architecture, design and
development efforts of award winning management software efforts.
Jon Saperia has been involved in many aspects of the development and
deployment of SNMP and other standards-based management technology. He
has performed these roles at a wide variety of organizations including
ISPs, network technology startups, and application development organizations.
Vladimir Sukonnik, Vice President of Technology,
Sitara Networks
Sukonnik brings 15 years of experience in computer networking to Sitara
Networks. He started his career at Digital Equipment Corp., where
he was responsible for the development of various components of the TCP/IP
protocol and its applications. Vladimir left Digital Equipment as
a Principal Software Engineer, to join Process Software Corporation, where
he was responsible for development of the first commercially available
Web server for Windows NT platform. Following Process Software Corporation,
Vladimir joined Open Market Inc, as a Director of Engineering, to manage
development of the first e-commerce transaction processing system.
Vladimir joined Sitara Networks, Inc. in 1999 as the Vice President of
Technology where he is responsible for advanced product architecture and
strategic company initiatives.
Andrea Westerinen, Senior Architect and Manager
of Information Modeling at Cisco Systems
Andrea Westerinen (andreaw@cisco.com) is a Senior Architect and Manager
of Information Modeling at Cisco Systems. She has worked in the computer
industry for more than 20 years, the last eight years principally in the
areas of enterprise, system, network, storage and policy-based management.
Andrea manages the technical activities of the Distributed Management
Task Force (DMTF) as their Vice President of Technology, and is an active
participant in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and TeleManagement
Forum (TMF). She is an expert on the Common Information Model (CIM) object
schemas published by the DMTF, and is the current chair of the CIM Network
Working Group. Andrea has co-authored a book on CIM, as well as several
IETF Internet-Drafts on policy. Before joining Cisco, Andrea was employed
by Microsoft, Intel, IBM and NCR. She has a B.S. in Physics and Mathematics
from Marquette University, and an M.S. in Computer Science from Nova University.
Tom Wheeler, Senior Principal Engineer and Associate
Section Leader for Real-Time and Distributed Computing at the MITRE Corporation
Tom Wheeler has over 15 years experience working on distributed real-time
systems such as PATRIOT and Crusader. Technical interests include executable
software models and soft real-time systems. He is currently working on
the U.S. Air Force’s Multi-Sensor Command and Control Aircraft (MC2A)
project which strives to combine capabilities for air surveillance, ground
surveillance, and mission planning and execution on an airborne platform.
Leon K. Woo, Vice President & CTO, Tenor Networks,
In founding Tenor Networks, Mr. Leon Woo brings a special balance of technology
vision with entrepreneurial skills that reflect his more than 25 years
of industry experience. Prior to founding Tenor, Mr. Woo was the vice
president of research and development at 3Com’s switching division. The
establishment of the 3Com switching division resulted from the acquisition
of Synernetics in 1994, a company Mr. Woo co-founded. Synernetics was
a pioneer and market leader in the Ethernet switching marketplace.
At Synernetics, he was vice president of research and development and
was responsible for hardware and software development. Mr. Woo came to
Synernetics from Apollo Computer where he was a director of engineering
in the networking group. Mr. Woo has held similar positions with Aetna
Telecommunications and Raytheon Corporation.
Mr. Woo holds SBEE and SMEE degrees from the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology and has several published technical papers and patents to
his credit.