The Open Group

Patrick Gannon

President and CEO, OASIS

Mr. Gannon currently serves as President and C.E.O of OASIS - the premier global consortium dedicated to the development and adoption of XML (eXtensible Markup Language) based E-Business and Web Services standards. He previously served as Chairman of the Board of OASIS in 2000-2001. Mr. Gannon has served since 2000 as Chairman of the prestigious UN/ECE Team of Specialists for Internet Enterprise Development.

Mr. Gannon has worked in industry as Senior Vice President responsible for strategic product marketing efforts within BEA Systems, and as Vice President of Marketing and Industry Programs at the leading B2B process integration company, Netfish Technologies. Prior to Netfish, Patrick Gannon served as Vice President of Strategic Programs for CommerceNet Consortium, where he directed research and development efforts in new Internet commerce standards, including electronic catalogs, XML, the Open Buying on the Internet (OBI) Consortium and the Information Technology industry's RosettaNet initiative. Mr. Gannon was the President and C.E.O. of Internet Shopping Directory Inc., which he co-founded in 1996 to bring advanced electronic catalog techniques to the online consumer marketplace. He was also the President and co-founder of Hummingbird Software Corporation which developed catalog standardization expert system software tools. He has held executive level management and marketing roles with INTERMAT (International Materials Management Inc. - Houston) and Digital Equipment Corporation (ten years) in his thirty-year career.

Mr. Gannon is co-author of the book: "Building Database-Driven Web Catalogs", and is an international speaker on global electronic business standards and trends.

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