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Mobile Management Forum

The summary presented here is based on presentations given at the closing Plenary meeting of the conference. The formal, and full, account of the open meeting, is available in both HTML and PDF formats. Additional links to this and other documents from the meeting are at the foot of this page.

Mike Lambert informed the meeting that Gregory Gorman, the forum's first Director,  had moved on to follow other interests, in particular related to the market development of the 802.11 standard.  He welcomed, as the co-Directors of the Forum, Peter George and Stef Coetzee from Wheatstone Consulting.


Peter George reported that the Forum's attendance had been the best for 12 months, and that the meeting had been very busy and productive.  Even though there had been a good turnout, many were not able to attend, and there is a need to work with them to ensure that they are fully involved.

He introduced his presentation by explaining that 'as new guys' he and Stef Coetzee had taken the opportunity to work with the members of the Forum to reexamine its objectives and to work to reenergize its activities.  They had concluded that a key role of the MMF is to act as the integration point for mobility standards, working with the other forums in TOG and with other industry groups, and had begun this process by looking at first steps in co-working on mobility with the DMTF.

The Integrated Information Infrastructure initiative had been enthusiastically received, and the Forum reviewed it as a foundation for its work.

The members took the opportunity to review the findings of a survey of members which had been conducted in March, and welcomed a presentation from an enterprise who had had to go through the entire application integration process in the last 12 months; this had set the context for the discussion in the rest of the day.

There had been a joint meeting (with the Directory Interoperability Forum) of the Mobile and Directory Forum.  The group had agreed milestones for finalizing a business scenario, and had agreed on the need to focus directories on identity management.

The group took the opportunity create a good working program for the next 12 months.  They had reviewed work to date, looked at other activities in the industry, and new standards.


Stef Coetzee then reviewed the plans that had been made for the coming quarter:

  • The liaison with the Distributed Management Task Force promises to be very fruitful, and there was a proposal for a joint mobility working group at the June DMTF meeting in San Jose.
  • The DIF/MMF/DMTF working group have come up with an exciting proposal for a mobile directory challenge.
  • The MMF and the Enterprise Management Forum were looking to work together.
  • Work is planned on the In3 Architecture Project, in particular on the role of the MMF as the integrator of standards: and work is to begin on creating and refreshing the work on a taxonomy of standards that was done a few years ago.
  • An MMF Mobile Security project had been established, and the Security forum would be approached to plan working together, especially around access.
  • On Session Management, Stef reported that Boeing were using the MMF's Framework as using as the basis for an RFI, and the MMF was planning to establish liaisons with other consortia, such as MWIF; DMTF; TMF.

The priorities for these activities are to be reviewed and validated by end-April with members unable to attend this meeting.

Agenda for the Open Meeting, Thursday 11 April 2002

Report on the Open Meeting

Cisco Mobile Pilot: Colin Seward MCOE

What's In3 all about? It's relevance to the MMF

Mobile Aspects to In3: Group discussion

MMF Survey Results Summary




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