Domain D: Enterprise Architecture Value Realization
Domain D encompasses the following concepts:
tracks and monitors strategy implementation, project completion, resource
usage, process improvement, and service delivery, using, for example, balanced
scorecards that translate strategy into action to achieve goals measured
beyond conventional accounting.
Value Delivery is about executing the value proposition throughout
the delivery cycle, ensuring that IT delivers the promised benefits against
the strategy, concentrating on optimizing cost and proving the intrinsic value
of IT.
Domain D is responsible for:
- The execution of the enterprise architecture and associated IT throughout its lifetime after deployment
- The achievement of the business value
Therefore, this domain addresses the IT Service Delivery requirements and management, particularly with respect to the IT Service Architecture.
This domain also monitors and tracks the business value and achievements, particularly the success of the Business Architecture. Therefore, it also addresses Business Improvement and Business Continuity requirements.
The purpose of Domain D is to ensure that the business achieves and leverages maximum value form the
enterprise architecture, and that change requirements and requests are implemented
and reflected back into the Enterprise Continuum.
The objectives of Phase D are to:
- Maximize value (including Asset Management)
- Develop the Operational Architecture
Domain D consists of the following phases:
Value Measurement Tools and Information Measures
There are a number of tools, techniques, and information measures required in
Domain D. These include:
- Cost/benefits
- Total enterprise architecture spend
- Simplification
- Appraisal methods
- Complexity
- Ratio/Benefits/Cost
- Enterprise architecture Balanced Scorecard
- Cost avoidance
- Model re-use versus repeated creation
- Total spend
- Activity-based costing
- Agility (time-to-market)
There are also actual measures. These include:
- Actual Measures for IT Performance
(e.g., COBIT PO3):
- Percentage of non-compliant technology projects planned
- Percentage projects aligned with the business strategy
- Number of non-compatible technologies and platforms
- Increased interoperability between systems and applications
- Reduced applications deployment effort and time-to-market
- Decreased number of technology platforms to maintain
Actual Measures for Business Performance:
- Business Process Metrics
- Productivity Measures
- Business Improvement Measures
- Business Continuity Measures