Products which claim to conform to the Single UNIX Specification need to be branded to the XPG4 UNIX profile. There are other profiles which may be branded which go part of the way to the full XPG4 UNIX brand.
More exact details of the full range of brandable components and what test suites are required to brand them are set out in the X/Open WWW pages in the Testing section (Testing Requirements by Profile, and Testing Requirements by Component). For full details of the components, please refer to the XPG4 Component Definitions which is part of the X/Open publication 'What to Brand - What to Buy'
When a product is branded to the XPG4 UNIX profile, the UNIX trade mark may be used with the attribution UNIX 95. This is distinct from products which are XPG4 Base (or XPG3 Base) branded and where the companies have committed to future XPG4 UNIX branding. In this case the attribute is UNIX 93.
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