This article includes answers to:
Q1. Where can I obtain information on X/Open Test Suites and Test Services?
Q2. What test suites are available from X/Open?
Q3. Is there a WWW site that carries this information?
Q4. What are the latest versions of X/Open's test suites and their
applicability for which brands?
Q5. How do I get an upgraded version of an X/Open test suite?
Q6. If a new release of an X/Open test suite comes out, do I have to stop
using the old release immediately ?
Q7. Where can I obtain training and support on the use of X/Open test suites?
Q8. How Do the XPG4 and Single UNIX Specification Branding Programmes Work?
Q9. How do I brand and who should I contact to apply for or
obtain information about X/Open branding?
Q10. What is the relationship between XPG4 and other standards such
as POSIX.1-1990?
Q11. Where can I purchase XPG4? Where can I purchase the Single UNIX
Specification? Is it available on CD-ROM?
Q12. What is a CSQ and How do I obtain copies of the CSQs?
Q13. How can I get a list of X/Open branded products?
Q14. Which test suites are required for which XPG4 components?
Q15. What's the Single UNIX Specification test suite cover?
Q16. What new test suites are under development?
Q17. How do I get a question and answer added to this list?
Q1. Where can I obtain information on X/Open Test Suites and Test Services?
Information on X/Open test suites and services is available here on the World Wide Web.
Test suites can be obtained from X/Open directly, with the test suites and upgrades being available electronically via the internet.
Test suites can be also purchased through X/Open distributors and third party test centres.
Q2. What test suites are available from X/Open?
Generally available test suites are:
VSX4 - The XPG4 Core test suite - Tests XPG4 System Interfaces & Headers
VSX+XNFS - Tests XPG4 Network Filesystem. This is an enhanced form of VSX, additionally testing systems to the XPG4 Network File System specification.
VSW4 - Tests XPG4 X Window System Application Interface (Xlib) (This is the X11 Release 4 version of the test suite)
VSW5 - Tests XPG4 X Window System Application Interface Version 2 (Xlib) (upgraded version for X11 Release 5)
VSU4 - Test for the Single UNIX Specification - tests for sockets, Xcurses, X/Open UNIX extensions over XPG4 Base.
VST - XTI (X/Open Transport Interface)
VSC - The X/Open Commands and Utilities Test Suite.
Q3. Is there a WWW site that carries this information?
Yes, you are visiting it ! There's a lot more detailed X/Open testing information available here too! Also some of X/Open's test suite distributors carry information too: For example, Aptest.
Q4. What are the latest versions of X/Open's test suites and their applicability for which brands?
View the latest test suite version information.
Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory for for for for XPG4 Base XPG4 Base95 UNIX brand CDE VSX4 YES YES YES n/a VSX4+XNFS n/a n/a n/a n/a PCNFS n/a n/a n/a n/a VSU4 n/a n/a YES n/a VSC4 n/a YES YES n/a VST4 n/a n/a YES n/a VSW4 n/a n/a n/a YES VSW5 n/a n/a n/a Soon SQL/NIST n/a n/a n/a n/a Test Suite Release 5 ISO C* YES YES YES n/a Test Suite(*= The system under test must be on the NIST register for ISO C compilers or pass either the Plum Hall or Perenniel ISO C verification suites for the ISO C component. )
Q5. How do I get an upgraded version of an X/Open test suite?
Upgrades are available via ftp for customers with support contracts.
Q6. If a new release of an X/Open test suite comes out, do I have to stop using the old release immediately ?
No, there is a six month overlap period in which Branding applications based on either the new release or the previous current release will be accepted. This is the case whether the test suite is provided direct from X/Open or through a third party distributor.
Q7. Where can I obtain support on the use of X/Open test suites?
Support for X/Open suites, such as error reporting and information about waivers can be obtained direct from X/Open or if you obtained the test suite from a distributor from them.
Q8. How Do the XPG4 and Single UNIX Specification Branding Programmes Work?
The X/Open branding programme operates by applicants entering into Trade Mark License Agreements with X/Open Company Limited and registering products under the XPG4 Branding Program (which includes the XPG4 UNIX profile).
The registered products must meet X/Open's established conformance criteria, which are based where possible on passing stringent verification tests - such as VSX, VSU , VSC , VST and ISO C.
[It's worth noting that the onus is on the licensee, and that the X/Open literature stress that passing the test suite should be seem merely as an indicator of compliance, see below -mod]
A Licensee warrants that those of his or her products which are registered with X/Open for XPG4 Branding comply with the specifications in XPG4, and for the XPG4 UNIX Profile that means the Single UNIX Specification.
X/Open has a publication for prospective brandees "Branding your Product X/Open - An Introduction to the X/Open Branding Process", this is sent to prospective brandees who contact the Conformance Administrator.
Q9 . How do I brand and who should I contact to apply for or obtain information about X/Open branding?
A description of the process and where to get more information is available.
To apply for or to find out information about X/Open branding contact the Conformance Administrator at X/Open.
Q10. What is the relationship between XPG4 and other standards such as POSIX.1-1990?
XPG4 is based upon a number of National and International standards. Where a conflict exists between a National and International standard and the XPG4, XPG4 defers to that standard. Should any conflicts occur between these standards and XPG4, a permanent waiver may be granted by X/Open.
The standards that XPG4 defers to are listed below:
For all orders and ordering information, contact X/Open publications
To see what is available online visit the Publications Index.
The Single UNIX Specification is available as a 5 volume set or on CD-ROM (supports Windows and multiple UNIX platforms) with the book entitled Go Solo. The specifications on the CD-ROM are in hypertext format using the Electronic Book Technologies Dynatext browser.
Q12. What is a CSQ and How do I obtain copies of the CSQs?
When completing an application for branding, a Conformance Statement Questionnaire (CSQ) should be completed for each component and possibly profile.
The forms can be obtained in electronic form .
CSQs for branded systems can be obtained from the system vendor.
Q13. How can I get a list of X/Open branded products?
The X/Open Branded Products directory is held online on the World Wide Web.
X/Open publishes quarterly the "Directory of X/Open Branded Products". The reference is X/Open General Publication Z297. There is no charge, except postage & packaging.
Q14. Which test suites are required for which XPG4 components?
X/Open has an ongoing activity to extend test coverage of XPG4 and to support the Single UNIX Specification. This is done by either developing their own test suites (such as VSX, VST, VSC, VSU, VSW) or recognizing third party test suites (for example Plum-Hall for ISO C).
The current test suite indicators for XPG4 are listed below:
XPG4 Component Test Suite Indicator - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -- - - - - - - - - - - Internationalized System Calls & Libraries X/Open VSX4.x Commands & Utilities X/Open VSC4.x C Language X/Open VSX4.x for Common Usage C Either NIST FIPS 160 certificate OR Plum-Hall or Perennial ACVS ++ (++ contact X/Open for recognised version numbers for Plum-Hall/Perennial). ISAM X/Open VSX4.x Relational Database None Transport Interface (XTI) X/Open VST4.x Network File System X/Open VSX4.x+XNFS Directory Access None BSFT None X.400 Gateway None X.400 Message Access None COBOL Language COBOL CCVS 85 V4.2 PASCAL Language BSI Validation Suite V5.4 or later FORTRAN Language FORTRAN SCVS 78 V2.0 SQL NIST SQL Test Suite Terminal Interfaces Coming soon in X/Open VSU4 X Window System Display X/Open VSW4.x X Window System Application X/Open VSW4.x (X11R4), VSW5.x (X11R5) interface PC NFS Server X/Open PCNFS LMX Server None CPI-C None Magnetic Media None
Q15. What's the Single UNIX Extensions test suite cover?
The VSU test suite verifies the compliance of systems to the Single UNIX Specification extensions for the core kernel and library interfaces (VSX4 has to be used in addition) . VSU4 verifies over 450 new interfaces added to X/Open's XPG4 specifications for the Single UNIX Specification.
VSU features include:
Q16. What new test suites are under development?
A contract has been let to develop a test suite (VSM) for the XPG4 Motif(TM) Toolkit API specification. The test suite specification is available and for those interested in early involvement in this development, a new Test Development Group has been inaugurated.
ODBC, a widely supported database access API, is one of the key successes of the X/Open SQL Access Group. X/Open has initiated the development of an ODBC test suite and is offering early access via a Test Development Group.
CORBA, the OMG's Object Request Broker (ORB) specification is the subject of another test development project to be launched in the near future. X/Open is looking for partners to assist us in this work.
To find out more about the above you can contact X/Open at
Q17. How do I get a question and answer added to this list?
If you would like to add a question (preferably with an answer) please email Andrew Josey.
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