Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) Conference - Houston 2005 The Open Group
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  Chris Adams, Lead Engineer, Global Combat Support Systems for Air Force, Mitre    

Chris AdamsChris Adams joined MITRE in 2004. He is currently the Lead Engineer of the Enterprise Service Bus for the Global Combat Support Systems - Air Force (GCSS-AF) at Hanscom AFB, Bedford, MA. His responsibility spans ESB implementation, Air Force community adoption, and operation & sustainment. He is also driving the development of a cross classification-domain ESB solution.

Prior to joining MITRE, Chris worked in Sao Paulo, Brazil for 4 years developing a large C4ISR system under a prime contractor, Raytheon. He also worked for NCR in their External Storage division and at Science Applications International Corporation in San Diego, CA.

Chris has a B.S. and M.S. in Aerospace Engineering from Penn State and Boston University, respectively. He currently studies International Security Studies topics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


Beyond SOA: What’s Next? —> Net-centric conversations
The promise of net-centric warfare is based on the assumption that services (especially web services) can freely converse amongst themselves, and exchange data via messages. The reality is that this is a hard problem, due in no small part to the realities of how we organize services to run within discrete Nodes.

The “Net-centric conversation” is the key enabler of interoperation and integration between services in nodes. A net-centric conversation is more than just exchanging messages in a “mission thread”. It is also a set of enabling context required for the conversation to mechanically take place, as well as a set of dynamic processes to maintain the context. Moreover, the exchange of messages can span the enterprise, not just between two services.

Agility of the enterprise is defined as the ability to change and/or form new net-centric conversations rapidly. We need to be able to add/subtract participants to existing net-centric conversations, as well as create new net-centric conversations.

This presentation will cover the following topics:

  1. What is a Net-centric conversation?
    a. LRT (Long running transactions) and Business Processes
    b. Services interact across Nodes
    c. Net-centric Conversation
    d. Linking to business plans
    e. Browsable enterprise
  2. Enterprise agility
    a. Can we measure it?
    b. Changing a Net-centric conversation
    c. Changing a service
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