Conference Proceedings
Summaries are can be accessed
by everyone, Access to presentations is restricted
to members of The Open Group and conference attendees.
Learn about the latest trends and advances in Service Oriented
Architectures (SOA), and how implementing SOA can help
your company meet its goals, boost business effectiveness,
and increase Return on Investment at each point of an agile
IT infrastructure.
With an extensive track record
in organizing premier industry events, The Open Group has put
together an impressive lineup of practitioners, thought leaders
and industry experts to share their perspectives, insights
and experience in addressing one of today’s key IT architecture
design approaches.
should attend:
CIOs, IT architects, IT strategists, senior IT managers, analysts, and industry
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Semantic Interoperability
This conference will take place at the same venue, 19-20 October
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Allowing processes to interconnect easily in
a flexible infrastructure based on business needs, the Service
Oriented Architectures (SOA) approach is ideally
suited to a modern dynamic enterprise. Properly managed and
secured SOA can provide the reliability and interoperability
that are the critical enablers of Boundaryless Information
Driven by the need for greater business agility, increased
IT asset reuse, and reduced complexity throughout the entire
enterprise, companies of all sizes implement SOA to reap
a number of important benefits, including easier resource
sharing, fewer information silos, simpler structure, and
a reduced risk of lock-in into proprietary systems.
"75% of enterprise
buyers plan on investing in SOA technology and staffing
within the next year" The
Yankee Group
The advantages of Service Oriented Architectures are so
compelling that 75% of 473 enterprise buyers surveyed by
the Yankee Group plan on investing in SOA technology and
staffing within the next year.
As enterprise systems mature and services become widely
used, key performance indicators (KPIs) and Service Level
Agreements are becoming crucial business contracts. Agencies
that are tasked with the delivery of critical services will
need to be able to provide consistent quality of service
based on KPIs. To fully benefit from SOA, the right metrics
have to be in place and consistently used.
With the number of services on the network available to
users increasing, which amplifies the network effect, the
value of such services grows exponentially. In the
near future, as organizations increase the flexibility and
responsiveness of their business processes by directly interoperating
with their suppliers, customers, and other partners, the
SOA approach will become indispensable.
- KEYNOTE: Michael Liebow, IBM
- KEYNOTE: Paul Patrick, BEA
- Chris Adams, Mitre
- David Archer, POSC
- Sam Ceccola, BEA
- Jamie Cruise, Landmark Graphics
- Len Fehskens, Hewlett-Packard
- Rusty Foreman, BP
- Mark Forman, KPMG
- Joe Jarzombek, Department of Homeland Security
- Hans Jespersen, Tibco
David Nichols, Accenture
- Ravi Nudurumati, Schlumberger
- Rakesh Radhakrishnan, Sun
- Michael Ruiz, BAE Systems
- Ron Schmelzer and Jason Bloomberg, ZapThink
- What the value proposition for SOA is, and how
to communicate SOA within an organization
- When a simple SOA project is sufficient, and
when it's not
- How to phase an SOA project so that each component
has a positive ROI
- How to identify problems and challenges that
are appropriate for service-oriented solutions
- Which aspects of SOA should be implemented first
and which later
- How to implement for integration of SOA
- How to implement resource management such as
CRM, ERP and partner management
- What the status and direction of standards is,
including XML, Universal Description, Discovery
and Integration (UDDI), SOAP, and others
- What the critical components are, if they are
mature, and how to work with them
- How to measure your SOA, and what are the key
performance indicators
Get the information on what works and what doesn’t,
network with your peers, and walk away with practical
solutions. Get ideas on how to use SOA in building
your enterprise architecture and making the most of
your IT budget. The Open Group’s SOA conference
has been designed to meet the needs of today’s
busy IT professionals with practical guidance and solutions
you can use. |