Enterprise Architecture Practitioners Conference - Stockholm 2010 Biner Consulting The Open Group
Successful Enterprise Architecture with TOGAF® and ArchiMate® - A Case Study presentation

A complete approach to enterprise architecture (EA) requires:
1) a framework describing architectural viewpoints;
2) a language for architectural descriptions;
3) a method for constructing architectures.
The Open Group's TOGAF® 9 standard is the leading method for EA development, including a process, techniques and best practices. The Open Group's ArchiMate® standard is the leading language for integrated EA modelling, describing the business, application and technology layers and their relationships. In a recent update of the language, two extensions have been added for modelling the motivation for the architecture (e.g., goals, principles and business requirements) and implementation and migration planning.
Based on a comprehensive case study of application portfolio rationalization in a post-merger insurance company, we show how ArchiMate makes TOGAF actionable, i.e., how:

  • TOGAF and ArchiMate together offer a comprehensive and complete approach to EA;
  • ArchiMate facilitates modeling the deliverables prescribed by TOGAF;
  • the ArchiMate core and its extensions cover all the aspects that TOGAF addresses.

Intended audience: Enterprise architects, business architects, IT architects, (IT) managers, CIO’s

Key Takeaways:

  • Short introduction to TOGAF®  and the ArchiMate® EA modeling language
  • Demonstration of a complete real life case study
Tutorial ArchiMate®: Adding value to TOGAF®

ArchiMate® is the open standard modeling language for Enterprise Architecture, maintained by The Open Group. In this tutorial, we explain the basics of the ArchiMate language, including the two extensions (business motivation & enterprise migration management) that are part of the company approved ArchiMate 2.0 standard. In the presentation we show how it fully complements the TOGAF®  method for EA development. Based on snapshots from case experiences from different companies, we illustrate the use and advantages of ArchiMate.

Intended audience: Enterprise architects, business architects, IT architects, (IT) managers, CIO’s

Key Takeaways:

  • Full introduction to the ArchiMate EA modeling language
  • Seeing how ArchiMate adds value to TOGAF
  • Snapshot examples of ArchiMate from daily practice


Harmen van den BergHarmen van den Berg

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