The Open Group Conference - Rome 2010

TOGAF Tutorials
Host: Chris Armstrong, President, Armstrong Process Group, Inc.

Monday, April 26, 2010

2.00 - 3.30
World Class EA

Summarised walkthrough of "World Class EA" document set. Includes:

  • Selection of industry drivers and potential architecture response.
  • A suggested maturity model to calibrate organisations
  • A worked example of applying a maturity rating
  • A set of templates and suggested diagrams to provision TOGAF 9 content.

Mick Adams, Capgemini, UK
Mick AdamsVice Chair of the Architecture Forum and member of Capgemini global architecture leadership, Mick has been involved in the development of some of the worlds largest enterprise architectures and has managed Capgemini contributions to the Open Group Forum for over two years. He has wide industry experience but his architecture work is currently focussed on Central Government(s) and Oil super-majors.


3.30 - 4.00

4.00 - 4.45
TOGAF 9 ADM Guidelines and Techniques: Being successful with TOGAF

Practical examples of aplying TOGAF 9 ADM gidelines and terchniques-and the resulting business benefits.

Mike Lambert, Chief Technical Officer, Architecting the Enterprise Ltd, UK
Mike LambertMike was one of the pioneers of TOGAF. As Chief Technical Officer for The Open Group, he was the Technical Editor for the IEEE 1003.0 architecture standard in the late 1980s and responsible for the development of TOGAF with The Open Group until the publication of TOGAF 8.

Mike joined X/Open Company Limited (the predecessor of The Open Group) in 1994 from ICL, where he had a variety of roles leading up to Chief Architect for OMAC 29, ICL's flagship product for the Manufacturing Industry and Design Authority for all ICL's vertical application products.

As Chief Technical Officer, Mike was responsible for The Open Group's technical strategy and presided over the standardisation of UNIX.

On his retirement from The Open Group in April 2003, Mike was appointed as the first Fellow of The Open Group, in recognition of his extensive contribution to the development of Open Systems and Architecture.


4.45 - 5.30
Taming the TOGAF Content Metamodel

This presentation will examine techniques that can be employed by an organization to customize and tailor the TOGAF 9 Content Metamodel. The presentation will examine how Ontology modeling tools such as Protege can be used to analyze metamodels to:

  • provide a taxonomy for classification and categorizing organization entities and artifacts
  • provide a foundation for defining terminology in a consistent manner
  • promote value analysis
  • promote re-use of architectural assets
  • facilitate architecture decision support through the automated verification and review of artifacts and deliverables.

William Estrem President Metaplexity Associates, US
Bill EstremBill Estrem is the President of Metaplexity Associates LLC. He is a past chair of the Architecture Forum and chairman of the Modeling and terminology committee in the Forum. He has also served a two year term on The Open Group board of Governors.



Marc Walker, Enterprise Architect and Analyst , BT Plc
Marc WalkerMarc Walker is an Enterprise Architect and Analyst working for BT Plc. Marc has worked in IT and business for nearly twenty years and has held key roles working in a range of sectors including Oil & Gas, Health, Finance, Central Government, Local Government and Media & Publishing. Marc has been involved with the Open Group for nearly 3 years having a particular interest in the modelling and terminology aspects of TOGAF.

Marc specialises in information management and the design of information systems with a focus on strategic development, service management and business transformation. His experience covers business informatics and semantics, collaborative technologies, authoring systems and decision support systems.

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