The Open Group

Andrew Updegrove

Attorney, Lucash, Gesmer & Updegrove LLP

Andrew Updegrove has a broad range of experience in representing both mature and emerging high technology (and particularly software and Internet) companies in all aspects of their legal affairs.  He has also represented and helped structure more than 45 worldwide standard setting consortia, including some of the largest standard setting organizations in the world.  He spends a significant part of his time giving strategic advice to clients of the firm.

The greatest part of his time over more than 20 years in practice has been spent counseling emerging high technology and other fast growth clients.  He has advised many hundreds of startup companies with respect to their strategic and legal needs, assisting them in their progress from a concept to a mature company.  In the course of this representation, he has critiqued their business plans, advised on structuring their businesses, introduced them to financing sources, represented them in angel, venture capital, bank and public financings, advised them on behalf of their intellectual property programs, negotiated mergers and acquisitions on their behalf, and assisted them in many other aspects of their legal and business affairs. He was recently named one of the "Best VC Lawyers" in Boston by the Digital Industry News.

He has also represented mature companies in many areas, including with respect to financings, mergers and acquisitions, the redeployment of services and assets onto the Internet, and complex intellectual property matters.  In the consortium area, he has been retained by many of the largest technology corporations in the world to assist them in setting up international standard setting and technology promotional organizations.  He has also advised Fortune 500 companies with respect to setting internal standards setting policies and goals and edits, a website created and maintained by the firm which is intended to provide the most comprehensive source of information on the Internet regarding forming and maintaining consortia.

He is a frequent speaker on the topics of financing, emerging company issues, and mergers and acquisitions, and has written extensively on the topic of standard setting and consortium formation.  Mr. Updegrove is a graduate of Yale University and the Cornell University Law School. He is a certified mediator, and a member of the Panel of Mediators of the Massachusetts Software and Internet Council. Outside the office, he is the Moderator of the Old North Church in Marblehead, and the Treasurer of the Vinalhaven [Maine] Land Trust.

Andrew Updegrove



January 2002 - LGU Publications: "Where's the Money? A Survey of Massachusetts Venture Capital Funds"

Sept/Oct, 1999 - Florida Business Insight (Volume. 3, Number 5): "Breaking Up the Lawyers' Monopoly on Legal Services"

February 5, 1999 - Washington Legal Foundation (Volume.14, Number. 5): "Time to Break Up the Lawyers' Monopoly on Legal Services" [Position Paper circulated to legislators, bar associations, etc. nationally]

Summer, 1997 - Lawyers' Business Journal: "The Law Firm of the Future" [Reprint of Recorder article]

October, 1996 - Intellectual Property [magazine] [San Francisco, CA] (Page 4): "Firms of the Future" [Reprint of Recorder article]

June 24, 1996 - Legal Times [of Washington, D.C.] (Page S51): "Quiet Revolution in Business Law"

June 12, 1996 - The [San Francisco] Recorder (Page 4): "Firms of the Future"

December, 1995 - StandardView (Volume 3, Number 4): "Standard Setting and Consortium Structures"

May, 1995 - Geo Info Systems (Volume 5, Number 5): "Setting Standards on Firm Foundations: Consortia Structures and Consensus Building"

June, 1994 - Kennedy School/National Institute of Standards and Technology "Consortia and the Role of Government in Standard Setting"

March, 1994 - Computer Lawyer (Volume 11, Number 3) "Forming and Representing High-Technology Consortia: Legal and Strategic Issues"

December, 1993 - IEEE MICRO (Page 52): "Forming, Founding and Funding Standard-Setting Consortia"

Sep/Oct, 1993 - Mergers and Acquisitions Today (Page 4-7): "Selling the Software Company"

February, 1993 - Software Success (Volume 7, Number 2): "Project/Royalty Financing - A New Approach to Software Investments"

September, 1989 - BCS Enterprise: "Industry Associations" (Boston Computer Society Consultants and Entrepreneurs Group Journal)

February, 1988 - High Technology Business (Page 17): "Investors Gain Clout: New Rules Give Venture Capital Greater Control"

Testimony and Interviews

April 18, 2002 - Testimony at joint hearings held by the Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission on "Competition and Intellectual Property Law and Policy in the Knowledge-Based Economy", speaking on the subject of consortium and standard setting organization intellectual property policies, licensing terms and standards adoption processes.

February 7, 2000 - Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (28 M.L.W. 1259, Page B5): "Member on the Move" Interview

March, 1991 - InKnowVation (Volume V, Number 7-8): "Handling Software Investment: A Suggested Approach". (Story/interview based on royalty based finance article in the Technology Law Bulletin)

November 19, 1990 - Private Placement Letter (Volume 8, Number 22): "New Approach to Software Investing". (Story/interview based on royalty based finance article in the Technology Law Bulletin)

November 27, 1989 - Soft*Letter (Volume 7, Number 11): "Why Venture Money is Harder to Find". (Interview/story following up on earlier Technology Law Bulletin Article)


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