The Open Group

Security Forum: Preliminary Agenda

What the Plenary is About
The plenary theme for the Boston Conference is "Boundaryless Information Flow - the Role of Web Services". The linkage is that The Open Group vision is for “Boundaryless Information Flow” which involves information flow from one application to another application, and Web Services similarly involves getting information from one application to another. We therefore want to explore how Web Services can contribute to our vision for achieving boundaryless information flow.

The Security Angle
A significant component of this vision is securing Web Services. We can therefore expect that requirements for information security will come up in almost every plenary speaker's presentation, including in the Customer perspectives on Tuesday afternoon. One paticular highlight will be a presentation on the Tuesday morning from Dan Geer. We can anticipate not only hearing real user requirements that we can take back into our own organizations, but also we will have opportunities to clarify them with the speakers themselves.

The New Structure for Meetings

The structure for our working meetings follows a different style to what we have followed in past meetings, to focus meeting sessions on specific work areas (projects), and invite members to choose which work area activities they wish to participate in rather than limit them to attendance in a specific Forum. This new structure provides greater value to individual members by allowing them to move freely across all Open Group activities relevant to their specific interests.

Meetings on Wednesday through Friday
In line with the new meetings structure, we have an agenda that transitions from being a Security Forum to enabling members to participate in the complete range of Open Group activities (in all Forums) that include security components. All our sessions from late Wednesday and all Thursday comprise joint working sessions with the Messaging Forum, the Directory Interoperability Forum, the Mobile Management Forum, and the Real-Time Security Group.

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Monday 22nd July 2002

Boundaryless Information Flow: The Role of Web Services
See Plenary agenda

Networking Reception

Tuesday 23rd July 2002

AM Boundaryless Information Flow: The Role of Web Services
See Plenary agenda
PM Customer/Supplier Council:
User & Supplier Perspectives on Web Services
See Customer Council agenda

Wednesday 24th July 2002

Security Forum Meeting
(Members Only)
09:00 Security Forum Admin & Liaison
Welcome & introductions
Agenda review
Actions review from previous meeting
Members' expectations
News update & liaison reports

Steve Jenkins
Ian Dobson
Ian Dobson

Coffee Break

11:00 Security Forum Admin & Liaison (contd.)
Intent & expectations from Joint Meetings
Other project activities
Future work planning

Steve Jenkins/All
Ian Dobson/All
Steve Jenkins/All


14:00 Project: Guides
Guide to Data Privacy
The latest draft for the GDP Guide was reviewed in a teleconference on 13 July. Closing date for review of this draft is 28 July, after which it enters the editorial review stage that leads to completion.
Guide to Working with PKI
A skeletal draft for GWP was reviewed in the April 2002 meeting (Paris, France). It is open for review comments & contributions from members leading up to the July 2002 meeting,
Other Guides
Proposed further Business Guides are under consideration, and await principal authors.

Project: Security Design Patterns
Guide to Security Design Patterns
Development of the latest draft of SDP resulting from a telecon review on 5 July

Bob Blakley

Eliot Solomon

Eliot Solomon

Bob Blakley


Coffee Break

16:00 Project: Security in SMC
Secure Messaging Challenge review, joint with Messaging Forum
The Messaging Forum and the Security Forum will meet together to review the outcomes of the Secure Messaging Challenge. In this session, there will be a presentation on the results of the Challenge testing, the Summary Report, and in particular, the Secure Messaging Toolkit. There will also be brief presentations on the EEMA PKI Challenge and how it differs from the work of the Open Group Messaging Forum.
This will be followed by an open discussion on security issues raised as a result of the Secure Messaging Challenge, with the intention of identifying work that still needs to be done and how the forums might work together to do it. This will also be picked up and expanded on in the PKI Guidelines & Manageability Session on Thursday.

Dean Sepstrup


Gala Dinner

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Thursday 25th July 2002

Security in Open Group Work Areas
(Members Only)
TOGAF Version 8 - Project Reviews
09:00 Project - Identity Management
joint with DIF,   Messaging Forum, & MMF
We now have our Identity Management business scenario. This joint session will validate and prioritize Id Mgt requirements and identify gaps in what the leading solutions providers (Microsoft & Liberty Alliance) are offering. The MMF proposes  using this opportunity to lead a brainstorm session of those present to garner input and gain understanding for the charter and focus of their MIMACS WG

Coffee Break

11:00 Project - Access Control
joint with DIF, Messaging Forum, & MMF
The goal is to run a "workshop" where we will gather members' requirements for Access Control. We will use this as input to creating a business scenario that we can all use to move forward with assessing currently available solutions, and highlighting what requirements remain unaddressed. We have 2 use-case papers as starting points, together with a Cisco presentation from the Paris MMF meeting on their experiences in rolling out a mobile solution internally..


Joint Sessions
14:00 Project - PKI Guidelines & Manageability
joint with DIF, & Messaging Forum
The DIF has its PKI Guidelines initiative and its Directory & Key Management Infrastructure business scenario, the Security Forum is developing a Guide to Working with PKI & Related Technologies, and the Messaging Forum's secure messaging challenge has useful lessons on working with PKI. Also, the Security Forum is assessing a requirement to address manageability of keys information. The US Government and European Comission are two of many major customers demanding PKI-based solutions to information security. We aim to establish the common ground between each Forum, decide what we can best contribute jointly to this problem space, and set up appropriate joint work activities to move it forward.

Coffee Break

16:00 Project - Security in Real-Time Environments
joint with Real-Time Security Group
The Real-Time Security Group is meeting all day on Thursday, and Security Forum members are welcome to attend all of their meeting. However, the existing joint project to review security in Real-Time Use Case Scenarios will take place during the 16.00-17.30 session of their meeting, to accommodate Security Forum members who prefer to attend other joint-meeting sessions through Thursday.


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Friday 26th July 2002

08:30 Plenary Feedback:
Reports back from all meeting sessions,
to provide an overall brief of what has been achieved in all working meetings during this Coinference week, and to give a vision of the direction  and plans for future activities between now and the next Conference.
Mike Lambert


Security Forum Meeting (optional)
(Members Only)
11:00 Security Forum Working Groups,
to be agreed during earlier meeting sessions.
Ian Dobson

Lunch and Close

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