The Open Group

Mobile Architecture

Sponsoring Forum: Mobile Management Forum

The scope of the project as currently defined is for the members of the MMF Mobile Architecture Working Group to review and propose changes and extensions to the Technical Reference Model (TRM) as documented in TOGAF Version 7. Our plan is to have an initial set of extensions accepted for inclusion in TOGAF 8 and to generate proposals for what preparation is required to define work for TOGAF 9 to embody a significant enhancement describing and embracing all aspects of Mobility.

For consideration within the scope of the project is how the whole set of standards relating to mobility should be positioned within the TOGAF taxonomy. E.g., are Mobile standards a whole new major category of standards, on a par with Security, Location, Operating System Services, etc.; or are they a subset of one or more of the existing major categories (e.g. Networking Services)?

Whatever level is decided, it is recognised that including Mobile standards in the SIB is desirable. Additions to the Standards Information Base (SIB) will also be proposed and agreed by members of the MMF for inclusion. It is understood that additions to the SIB are not fixed to the publication schedule of TOGAF, but that it is important to have standards documented to support the published areas of the TRM.

This session is for the Mobile Architecture Project members to meet with and gain alignment with Architecture Forum members of the proposed enhancements.

Expected outcome:

Successful outcome of the session will be the acceptance of the MMF Architecture Working Group proposals for inclusion in TOGAF 8. Further, an agreed scope and plan for mobile effort to go into TOGAF 9.

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