The Open Group

Eric Leach
Critical Path

Identity Management Standards: the Critical Foundation for Managing the Web Services Environment in the Enterprise

As Web services causes security and identity boundaries to evolve and interact in new and complex ways, directory services and identity management systems must advance to manage this increasingly complex environment. To successfully deploy Web services, the data networks that form the core of these deployments must become integrated. This level of interoperability will require the types of new functionality promised by emerging XML based standards such as DSML, SAML, WSDL, and UDDI. This session will review these standards and suggest development strategies for building integrated identity management systems that will enable the rapid deployment of Web services. Attendees will learn about the key factors that will differentiate directory services and identity management in the future, including scalability, interoperability with legacy applications, the ability to run seamlessly within web services frameworks such as SunOne/J2EE or .Net, and the ability to provide highly available security, provisioning, self service, delegated administration and other advanced identity management services.



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