Identity Management
Sponsoring Forum: DIF
This will be a joint session of DIF, MMF, Messaging Forum and Security
Forum members, to progress the Identity
Management Work Area.
These forums have been developing an Identity Management Business Scenario,
which will be available for discussion at the meeting. Taking this as
a statement of requirements, the meeting will move on to explore and evaluate
identity management technologies and solutions.
The session will be chaired by Winston Bumpus (Novell, DIF chair), and
the agenda will include the following items.
- The Securities Industry Middleware Council Identity Management Initiative:
presentation by Eliot Solomon of SIMC.
- The EURIM Identity Management Approach: presentation by Ian Dobson
of The Open Group
- Mobile Identity management and Access Control: presentation by Stef
Coetzee of Wheatstone Consulting - frrdback from this presentation will
help the MMF to formulate the charter and focus of their MIMACS work
- Identity Management Architectures: presentation by Chris Harding of
The Open Group - including a summary of the requirements identified
by the Business Scenario and of the latest published developments in
the Passport and Liberty Alliance initiatives.
- Group discussion, focussing on identifying potential useful work items
and projects that The Open Group can undertake to promote open identity
management solutions while avoiding duplicating work being done by other