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Len Hynds
Detective Chief Superintendent
Head of National Hi-Tech Crime Unit, United Kingdom

Len Hynds is a career detective who has served at a tactical, strategic and policy level in more than 30 countries spanning four continents, working in partnership with foreign colleagues to prosecute and disrupt international criminal networks, and to streamline investigation procedure. In February 2001, Detective Chief Superintendent Hynds was selected as the first head of the National Hi-Tech Crime Unit, with responsibility for the development and implementation of a centre of excellence to combat hi-tech crime and delivery of benchmark standards for all local computer crime units within England and Wales.

He has advised the UK Government on proposed legislation, attended the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs as advisor to the British delegation and led EU funded workshops examining the harmonisation of law enforcement effort. He was involved in the formation of the National Crime Squad and is acknowledged as the architect of the Operational Protocol between the National Crime Squad and HM Customs and Excise.

Additionally he chairs the UK Internet Crime Forum and the Association of Chief Police Officers National Hi-Tech Crime Working Group.

Presentation synopsis

Plenary agenda

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