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Cybersecurity on the Front Line

Detective Chief Superintendent Len Hynds
Head of National Hi-Tech Crime Unit, England and Wales

As Head of the National Hi-Tech Crime Unit, Detective Chief Superintendent Hynds has responsibility for implementing the Hi-Tech Crime Strategy in the UK.

Understanding the problem without overstating the problem has been the dilemma that many have attempted to tackle in recent years. The empirical data with which to plot trends in hi-tech crime is limited. But surveys conducted recently, universally agree on two things. Firstly, hi-tech crime is increasing; and secondly, Organised Crime is now infiltrating the digital frontier. Environmental scanning points to an increasingly accessible and flexible medium, carrying more and more money across its networks. The Internet provides organised crime groups driven by profit with lucrative opportunities in a relatively low risk theatre of operations.

Len Hynds' presentation will take a holistic look at the impact of crime in the virtual world and highlight how we can set the foundations for a lasting solution to this growing phenomenon.


Plenary agenda

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