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Carl CargillDirector of Standards, Sun Microsystems, Inc.Carl Cargill is Sun's Director of Standards, where he manages Sun's standardization strategies, activities, and portfolio. He has been at this activity (standardization) for nearly twenty years, and has written two books (Information Technology Standardization: Theory, Process, and Organizations and Open Systems Standardization: A Business Approach ), several chapters in other books on the subject, and the "Standards" entry in the Van Nostrand Reinhold Encyclopedia of Computer Science. He was the Editor-in-Chief of "StandardView", ACM's journal of Standardization, and has written scores of articles on the subject of standardization and its practical applications. He has appeared on Office of Technology Asessment and General Accounting Office panels as an expert on standardization. He is a past member of the Coordinating Committee and General Assembly of ECMA, a member of the W3C Advisory Board, a member of the Board of Directors of the Open GIS Consortium, an alternate Board member of The Open Group, and the Chairman of the Open Group BoD Marketing Committee. He participates on an irregular basis with NCITS and the U.S. JTC1 Technical Advisory Group. He once chaired the Strategic Planning Committee of X3 and was a member of ASC Z1 (QA), as well as having been on the Board of the Object Management Group. He has been the Director of Standards at Netscape, and a standards strategist at both Sun and Digital Equipment Corporation. He has also been a product strategist, marketing manager, pricing Manager, and program manager for various and sundry other companies in the IT arena. His interests include Medieval History and the study of magic (as distinguished from quantum mechanics). He holds a BA from the University of Colorado in Medieval European History (1969) and a Masters in the Science of Administration (Management Engineering) from the George Washington University (1975). Read the presentation synopsisReturn to plenary agenda |