There were a number of working group and standing committee meetings
before the start of the full Architecture Forum meeting:
- Architecture Forum Strategy Working Group
- Certification Standing Committee
- TOGAF Case Studies Working Group
- TOGAF Localization Project
Topics covered during the formal part of the Architecture Forum
meeting included:
Garry Doherty, TOGAF 9 Product Manager, reported on the status of
TOGAF 9 certification and recent discussions in the Certification
Standing Committee (CSC). Based on discussions over the past six months
since the introduction of TOGAF 9 certification a number of changes to
the program have been proposed and are under consideration. If changes
are to be made they will require a company review. The CSC also plans to
progress proposal for development of a Tools certification program for
Next steps are for Garry to determine the action plan for changes to
the current TOGAF 9 certification program, and for the CSC to progress
defining the criteria for TOGAF 9 Tools certification.
Garry Doherty, TOGAF 9 Product Manager, reported on his updated
proposal for a set of standard metrics related to TOGAF 9 adoption and
usage. The attendees made several suggestions for additions to the
metrics, such as it should cover regional adoption and coverage, and
also benchmarking against other frameworks. Garry requested assistance
in the area of benchmarking TOGAF against other frameworks.
Next steps are for Garry to work with The Open Group development
staff to determine what can be automated.
TOGAF 9 Management Standing Committee
Len Fehskens, Architecture Forum Director, summarized the status of
this newly formed standing committee. An initial meeting was held but
there were insufficient attendees to make much progress as of yet.
The next steps for this standing committee will be holding a meeting
within a few weeks after the conference.
Len Fehskens, Architecture Forum Director, summarized the status of
activities across The Open Group related to establishing the EA
Profession. This included an update on numbers of members in AOGEA (over
12,500), and 11 local chapters in six countries. He also described the
initiative with Penn State University (over 60 organizations involved).
Len Fehskens, Architecture Forum Director, ran through the status of
the EA definition effort. This has been a major success in terms of
Forum member collaboration to derive several potential definitions and
then to select the best.
The next steps are to solicit comments from the Forum membership on
the top five definitions. Len expects to complete this effort for
Architecture Forum Strategy
Janine Kemmeren, Architecture Forum Strategy Working Group Chair,
gave a status update for the Strategy Working Group. This included a
recap on themes of the strategy: to expand the TOGAF brand, leverage the
membership, extend the focus of the Forum, improve collaboration, and
pave the path for the EA profession.
Next steps are to update and maintain the strategy, mapping the
current projects and standing committees against the strategy, engaging
with other Forums and the members. This will also review the culture and
ways for collaboration of the Forum and it is proposed to hold a one-day
workshop in Seattle on this topic.
Laura Harris, TOGAF Adoption Strategies Working Group Chair, had
submitted a status report to the meeting. A draft White Paper was
produced in September, and is 95% complete (50+ pages). The Working
Group is seeking comments. Activities going forward for the next quarter
will be to update the draft. Longer term (Q1 2010) the goal is to work
with the TOGAF Management Standing Committee to identify how the
approaches included in the White Paper can be integrated into the TOGAF
Chris Greenslade, Acting Forum Chair, led a discussion on how we can
improve participation in the Forum. There was a concern it was proving
difficult for Working Groups and Standing Committees to engage
participants. One suggestion was that now TOGAF 9 had completed there
was less enthusiasm to engage. There were also questions about the
communication model, and whether enough outbound communication was
occurring (for example, not everyone had known about the regular Forum
An action was assigned to Andrew Josey to ask the defect reporting
group to make a recommendation about how to handle the defects reported
to date. Garry Doherty would also review the last user survey regarding
needed changes to TOGAF and recommend changes for a new survey,
reporting back to the Forum.
The Open Group China
Bob Chu reported on activities in The Open Group China. Since
February 2009, when the franchise was signed, progress made has included
translation of the TOGAF Pocket Guide, the Training materials, and the
TOGAF 9 examinations. Regular exams are now available monthly in Chinese
and so far 25 candidates have qualified as TOGAF 9 Certified. During the
following discussion it was suggested that the Chinese Management Model
(which had been presented in plenary) be brought forward as a
"global management model".