All Members of The Open Group are members of either the Customer Council or the Supplier Council.
In our All-Members meetings, the Customer Council and Supplier Council join together to invite members from all Forums and Working Groups of The Open Group to share issues and concerns that are of common interest - across all Forums and
Working Groups.
The meeting was introduced by Chris Greenslade, Chair of the Supplier
Council, who introduced Ian Dobson (The Open Group staff secretary to
the Customer council and Supplier Council.
Ian presented the agenda in a sequence of slides.
Council Officers and Forum/WG Representatives
The officers of the Councils are:
- Customer Council:
- Chair: Ben Calloni (Lockheed Martin)
- Vice-Chair: Alan Doniger (Energistics)
- 3rd Customer representative on Governing Board: John Anton (Kestrel Technology)
- Supplier Council:
- Chair: Chris Greenslade (Clars)
- Sam Ceccola (BEA Systems)
The role of Forum/WG Representatives to the Customer and Supplier Councils
is to ensure an effective channel for sharing issues between the Customer
and Supplier Councils and Forum members. By default, as presented in the October 2006 Conference (Lisbon),
Forum/WG Vice-chairs are called upon as the representatives to the Councils, unless they appoint other members
of their Forum/WG to fill this role.
Future Conference Dates and Themes
Ian presented the proposed dates and locations for future Open Group conferences
through to end-2008. This information will be made available on The
Open Group web site as and when the key information is confirmed. Some
venues in 2008 are not yet confirmed, and the plenary themes of 2008 are
also not yet decided. Members are invited to give their feedback via the
Councils officers or Ian.
Plato Tutorial
Ian recommended to members the Plato Tutorial.
(Plato is The Open Group Plato web collaboration tool.)
Plato is an example of what is often called Groupware or Web Collaboration software. It has been designed so that a group of people, typically in a project or working group, can share items such as email, documents, actions, and calendar events, in a controlled area of the web using a web browser.
What Makes a Forum/WG Effective?
Following up this activity from the previous meeting (San Diego,
January 2007), Ian summarized the objective of this Councils initiative to support improving the value of membership by identifying what
characteristics make member participation a richer experience. So the aim is to capture the key characteristics that make a
Forum/WG effective in delivering value to its members.
The prime deliverable is expected to be support to Forums/WGs on common and subject-specific characteristics for providing best value.
A further outcome could be a Guide to Best Practice for Forums/WGs on
how to deliver best value.
Forum and WG leaders have been asked to provide feedback to the
Councils on their experience and views. To date, feedback has been
received from the Security Forum and the Architecture Forum. Ian
presented this feedback, and requested members' comments. One
comment from a member who has been involved in staging Architecture
Practitioners Conferences in South Africa offered to help raise
awareness and outreach in their region by including awareness
information on other Forums/WGs of The Open Group in their future