Organization Architecture,
Looking Through Four Windows
Understanding the architecture of an organization implies more then the commonly used deterministic views for engineering and maintaining technical systems. Organizations should be seen as social systems. Managing the behaviour and performance of a group of cooperating professionals and their processes, needs therefore a more holistic examination. This is one of basic concepts behind the SqEME approach of process management.
In this presentation Prof. Hardjono and Van Oosten will give you insight into the principles of the SqEME approach of process management. They will explain how these principles affect the modelling process and the modelling conventions of organization architecture. The architecture development method within the SqEME approach of process management is defined by the use of four different windows for looking at an organization. These windows are called Constitution, Chemistry, Construction and Correspondence. By the use of examples, they will make you familiar with the meaning of these views and the corresponding modelling conventions. The presentation will show how process modelling from a social system perspective can contribute to both technical challenges as to the challenge of organizational change.
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