Dependability through Assuredness™ Monday 23 April - Tuesday 24 April
The Real-Time and Embedded Systems Forum will host a two-day
session addressing the topic "Dependability through Assuredness".
Using this theme, The Open Group will facilitate developing an
approach to Assurance (medium to high robustness) through the use
of certified interoperable tools (based on open standards) to
support a distributed real-time test bed for testing, certification
and accreditation of systems and components. Various instantiations
of assurance testing will support a system or system-of-systems for
software quality, security (to include high robustness),
information assurance, requirements traceability, interoperability,
quality of service, aggregated real-time performance, modeling and
simulation, formal methods proof, and artifact generation based on
current best practices for mission- and safety-critical
The Open Group has invited experts from the following domains to
delineate their Certification and Accreditation (C&A)
- Aviation
- Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems
- Operating Room of the Future (ORF)
- Medical Devices (including Sensors)
- Manufacturing
- Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Critical Infrastructure (Petroleum, Electric, Water, Banking,
- Space Exploration (Flight to Mars and beyond)
- Financial Services
- Security (medium to high robustness)
- Large weapon systems (e.g., DDG-1000, Littoral Combat Ship
(LCS), Joint Strike Fighter, etc.)
- Homeland Security
To achieve consensus on emerging open standards in this domain,
we have invited participation from a broad base of stakeholders
Industry Consensus Standards Bodies and Consortia:
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST)
- Object Management Group (OMG)
- Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
- International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)
- National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA)
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
- Software Engineering Institute (SEI)
Technology and/or Tool Vendors
- Kestrel Technology
- École Normale Supérieure
- Veriserve
- Adelard
- Praxis HIS
- Thales
- Verocel
- Rockwell Collins
- And others
Assurance/Formal Methods Experts involved not necessarily at this meeting:
- Dr. John Rushby, SRI International
- Dr. Robin Bloomfield, City University, Adelard
- Dr John Anton, Kestrel Technology
- Professor Samuel Redwine, James Madison University
- Professor Jim Alves-Foss, University of Idaho
- Dr. John Mayer, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Dr Matt Barry, NASA (Project Constellation)
- John Chilenski, Boeing
- Kevin Staggs, Honeywell
- Joseph Weiss, Applied Control Solutions, LLC (SCADA)
- Brian Dobbing, Praxis HIS
Monday April 23, 2007
"Plenary Day 1 0900-1730 for "Dependability through Assuredness"
- 0900-0930 Introduction, John Anton, Kestrel Technology
- 0930-1030 Keynote Speaker, Abstract Interpretation of Software, David Monniaux,
CNRS / École Normale Supérieure
- 1030-1100 Break
- 1100-1145 What is Software/Systems Assurance, Samuel Redwine, Jr., James Madison University
- 1145-1230 Scientific Certification, John Rushby, Computer Science Laboratory, SRI
- 1230-1400 Lunch
- 1400-1410 Taking Architecture to the Application Level, Junkyo(Jack) Fujieda,
President & CEO of ReGIS Inc
- 1410-1445 The Bridge of Architecture and Implementation via Assurance of True Requirements, Kazuaki Minami, Senior Research Project Director, Automotive Software Platform And Development Process, Toyota-ITC
- 1445-1530 Break
- 1530-1645 Application of Formal Methods to Model Based Development, Steve Miller, Rockwell Collins
- 1645-1730 What Makes Control Systems Different from IT?, Joseph Weiss, Applied Control Solutions, LLC
Tuesday April 24, 2007 (Europe DST)
"Day 2 0900-1730 "Dependability through Assuredness"
- 0900-0915 Introduction, John Anton, Kestrel Technology
- 0915-1000 High Assurance Application Development, Alex Wilson, Wind River
- 1000-1045 Software Assurance and Open Source, Jamie Ayre, Ada Core Technologies
- 1045-1100 Break
- 1100-1145 Looking at the Assurance with Current Technologies, Doug Locke, Doug Locke LLC
- 1145-1230 A Distributed Systems Integration Lab, Paul Haydon, QinetiQ
- 1230-1400 Lunch
- 1400-1500 Addressing High Assurance Challenges With Real-Time Java Technologies, Kelvin Nielsen, Aonix
- 1500-1530 Break
- 1530-1700 Panel Discussion, Taking Architecture to the Implementation, Junkyo(Jack) Fujieda, Kazuaki Minami, John Anton, John Rushby et al,
- 1700-1730 Wrap Up, Doug Locke, Doug Locke LLC
to program