Conference Proceedings
are can be accessed by everyone, Access to presentations
is restricted to members of The Open Group and
conference attendees.
The Disciplines of IT Architecture
The Right Architect for the Right Job
This conference
will focus on the different disciplines of IT Architecture,
and the need of the industry for an accepted definition
of the expected technical competencies of IT Architects
in the different fields involved in professional architecture
What is it about a security specialist's knowledge,
skills, and/or experience that warrants their being called
an Architect? If the scope of an Enterprise Architect's
responsibilities is enterprise-wide, just how much depth
of technical knowledge does that imply for a particular
area such as SOA, networking, or application integration?
• The Requirements for technical disciplines
in IT Architecture
• Appropriate technical skills and experience, including technical breadth
• The importance of full lifecycle experience
• Sample Architecture Disciplines
see the Program
Agent Technologies
~ enabling the intelligent enterprise ~
Your opportunity to influence the future direction
of a technology that will enable the intelligent
Tuesday, July 18. Open to all attendees.
Open Group has led the way in the IT industry in launching
a program to certify the skills and experience levels of
IT Architects - The Open Group IT
Architect Certification program. The
IT Architect is someone who defines - 'architects' - solutions
to client business problems through the reasoned application
of information technology. Those solutions are manifested
as architectures, and may involve the application and integration
of a broad variety of products, technologies and services,
various systems and applications architectures, and diverse
hardware and software components.