Verena Schmidtmann is currently consultant in the Architecture
Strategy group of Detecon International GmbH, a group specialized
in implementing
Enterprise Architectures in multi-divisional international corporations.
Since completing her PhD on a Web Services-based reference architecture
for Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), Verena has worked in
various IT strategy projects and projects concerning the implementation
of Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) for the head offices of large
international corporations. Her present projects include the development
of a value-oriented architecture strategy, the definition of an
architecture framework for introducing SOA in the Telco production
environment, and the build-up of a corporate Architecture Board.
Verena further heads a research project for the development of a
controlling model for modular Enterprise Architectures with the special
scope on cost and pricing models for an SOA landscape. Recently she has
been TOGAF-8.1 certified.