Dr Alexander Samarin |
Alexander Samarin is an enterprise solutions architect. He
about 30 years experience as a provider of IT services. A good
description of his professional specialization and interests
is how information technology can be used to transform business operations
to improve significantly their effectiveness and efficiency,
or in other words "Do the right things" and "Do the
things right".
At present, Alexander works as a BPM and SOA coach for a
client (a Swiss insurance company) where he is redesigning core internal
systems using BPM and SOA. Previously he worked for several
organisations including BUPA (UK), ISO (Switzerland), CERN
(Switzerland), and IHEP (Russia).
He is the co-author of many publications including the book "The
LaTeX Companion".
Three pillars of a practical architectural framework: BPM, SOA, and ECM The aim of this talk is to share my experience in the use of a practical architectural framework for the improvement of complex business systems. This framework is a generic enterprise architecture which - provides a systemic approach, adaptability and flexibility,
- brings together people, processes and programs,
- deals with business events, procedures, rules, objects and data,
- allows agile step-by-step deployment each step is a mini-project carried out at the users pace,
- economises considerably the required resources, and is designed for transforming
a historically-grown complex system of systems into a coherent, smoothly evolving,
business environment.
to program