Graham Bird is responsible for the overall strategic marketing
of The Open Group. Prior to his current appointment, Graham
was The Open Group's Director of Branding and managed the
program that awards the Open Brand seal of approval to products
that guarantee to conform to open systems standards. Since
1997, The Open Group has led a number of EC initiatives that
have invested in learning about and resolving the issues
associated with IT purchasing.
In previous lives, Graham has been General Manager responsible
for marketing and development of image systems, workflow,
document management and development tools with Fujitsu/ICL
and in that role was responsible for procurement of all software
products for the group.
Prior to that he was a founding director of Thinking Software
Ltd., a startup software house in the UK.
With professional qualifications in marketing, he was a
founding member of The Marketing Network, an organization
dedicated to enhancing the skills and knowledge of marketing
professionals. Graham is also a Registered Marketer and a
member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing.