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  Chuck Shriver - IBM US  

Chuck Shriver is a test architect for the SOA Advanced Technology team in IBM's Software Group, focusing on SOA test strategy. In this role, Chuck works with a variety of organizations within IBM who help IBM clients implement SOA projects.  Chuck has 19 years of IT experience, concentrating in software testing. His experience also includes software application development and beta program coordination.


Some Experiences with SOA Testing
Testing is often the underappreciated part of any development program.   However, it's one of the most important parts of the program.   Testing isn't just about finding bugs; it's about knowing if the results of the program will actually meet the expectations of the program sponsor. Over the last several months the question has arisen is testing for SOA different and, if so, how?. A team at IBM, from IBM Research, Software Group and Services started looking at this problem in 2006.

This session, which is about challenges, methods and processes, not about products, will explore what th eteam has learned in trying to understand how SOA testing is different.   The session won't address the whole testing cycle, instead if will focus on what the test architect needs to think about when planning for SOA testing, including:

  • when to start testing
  • testing services vs. testing applications
  • testing for variability
  • performance testing of SOA solutions

The session will bring experiences from real projects and analysis of the lessons learned in those projects.

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