Dan Hughes — Systems
Flow, Inc. |
Dan Hughes is a principal consultant with Systems Flow,
Inc., www.sysflow.com. Systems Flow helps organizations dramatically improve
their competitive advantage through the practical, effective
application of best practices in enterprise architecture
and software development. He is engagement lead at Citizens
Bank where he guided the launch of the enterprise architecture
practice and is currently enterprise architect for Citizens
Bank’s Basel II implementation.
Dan has 15 years of software engineering experience spanning
a broad range of technologies and techniques. Startup to
enterprise, he has launched, managed, and executed all
aspects of both product and enterprise life cycle for clients
in industries ranging from industrial automation to banking
and insurance.
He has a B.S. in Computer
and Systems Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Dan maintains a blog
on Software Engineering at www.xengineering.com.
Leveraging UML as a Standard
Notation for Enterprise Architecture
UML is taking root as the standard notation of choice for communicating software
designs, yet higher level architecture diagrams frequently consist of clouds,
flaming walls, and a myriad of other icons, colored boxes, and lines. In this
presentation, I will present the benefits of adopting a standard notation,
specifically UML, for architecture diagrams. I will offer a proposed set of
UML notations for specific architecture views and present some standards and
guidelines as well as share experiences rolling this out to an icon-laden enterprise.
to program