IT Architecture Practitioners Conference  Europe 2006, Barcelona, Spain The open Group Real IRM
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  Roy Irvive — Datamine, SA    

Roy IrvineRoy Irvine is Client Relations Manager at Datamine South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

He is a qualified geologist who recently joined Datamine South Africa after a long and varied career with De Beers, where he was responsible for developing standardised software solutions and standard processes across Group Exploration worldwide. He has been involved in Enterprise Architecture projects for the past 5 years and will be driving the EA initiative within Datamine South Africa through interaction with key EA-aware clients, such as Anglo Platinum.





Creating Business Value from IDEF0-Based EA Modelling - Making Software More Process-Aware
With the rapid increase in activity within the exploration and mining industries, allied with the loss of many experienced staff due to retirement, it has become essential that technical software solutions can be deployed rapidly to various Client compnies and that these solutions can be tailored to fit in with the culture and operating practice of the companies. This presentation will show how IDEF0 modelling has been used to define both the Client requirements for a technical solution, deliver a seamless solution and provide a focussed training schedule for the various users of the solution, whilst keeping the core applications the same across the various Client companies.

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