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Like most enterprises, governments in the 21st Century are extremely complex and subject to an increasing range of challenges that cut across departmental and agency divisions. Financial, healthcare, education, security, legal and environmental issues, require government departments to respond to demands from their electorate in a highly coordinated, secure and timely manner. Effective, cross-departmental decision-making and response in today's government, relies upon information technology as a fundamental enabler. Yet the technology and information infrastructure is itself complex and subject to continual change. There is an inevitable requirement for a Government Enterprise Architecture to create a framework for effective, real-time, decision making and policy implementation across multiple departments and agencies.
The 19th Enterprise Architecture Practitioners Conference in Chicago will seek to detail the core elements of the creation and implementation of a Government Enterprise Architecture. It will use a combination of end-user case studies, thought-leader keynotes, panel sessions and technical tutorials, to provide attendees with solutions to the challenges of implementing an effective GEA.
Architectural Framework - the event will seek to evaluate the requirements for a cross-departmental architectural framework that will enable effective use of information technology to address the challenges of the modern government. Many departments and agencies will have existing architectural frameworks, the GEA requirement is for an all-encompassing framework enabling boundaryless information flow between autonomous agencies. The event will consider how government CIOs are seeking to implement Reference Models, Meta Models and Classification Frameworks, to enable common governance and integrated processes across a government enterprise framework.
Secure and Timely Information Delivery - the GEA, like most business enterprise architectures, requires information delivery and exchange in a secure, reliable and timely manner. The conference will seek to address the augmented security issues faced by a GEA, and the heightened requirement for effective real-time decision-making, often requiring input from across multiple government departments and agencies. Yet, this needs to be balanced by a requirement for information privacy.
E-Government - there is an increasing need for faster, more effective, and cheaper access to government services and information. The GEA needs to enable this `public-facing' aspect of modern government. Reducing complexity, duplication of information, and inconsistency in the presentation of E-Government services. The 19th Enterprise APC will seek to demonstrate how effective E-Government can be addressed within the Government Enterprise Architecture. |

Service Oriented Architecture Service Orientation is now firmly established as the leading style of Enterprise Architecture, delivering multiple benefits across the enterprise. Many enterprises have now deployed SOA in pilot projects or on a small scale, and are now looking to extend it across the whole organisation. It has emerged as a viable way to help organizations meet their business goals and provide IT agility, an agility that is in itself fundamental to success in the modern enterprise. The conference will focus on the issues involved, and how to deploy enterprise-wide SOA to gain its full business benefits.
TOGAF™ The Open Group Architecture Framework is used by 80% of the Forbes Global Top 50 companies, and has emerged as the definitive framework among enterprise architects for developing information systems architectures. The event will demonstrate how the architecture framework is central to the development of an effective enterprise architecture.
The Architecture Profession Enterprises need assurance that the staff or service providers they hire have the skills and experience necessary to address the complexities of enterprise architecture. At the same time, professional enterprise architects need a recognized, portable and professional grade qualification to make them more marketable. Attaining the right standards framework and skill-set for your professional enterprise architects, will contribute to your businesses IT agility, enabling the achievement of dynamic business practices and competitive advantage.
About the Open Group:
The Open Group is a vendor-neutral and technology-neutral consortium, whose vision of Boundaryless Information Flow™ will enable access to integrated information, within and among enterprises, based on open standards and global interoperability.