Gilles Allain
Vice President, Partnerships and Alliances,
joined Symbian in 2001. He is in charge of growing and nurturing an eco-system
around Symbian within the mobile internet value chain in order to deliver
a more compelling proposition to device manufacturers, operators and end
users. This eco-system includes semiconductor partners, providers of software
solutions (for multimedia, security, telephony, etc), operators, content
providers, consulting companies among others.
Gilles started his career at Ericsson where he spent 6 years holding
several R&D positions in France and Sweden. He joined Nokia Networks
in 1994 as Product Marketing Manager for France, Morocco and Spain. In
1996 he created the France Telecom/Orange global account which in 2001
became under his responsibility one of Nokia Networks biggest customers
Gilles holds an Engineering Diploma from the French INSA and an MBA from
the Paris-Pantheon-Sorbonne University.