Meeting Report:
COE Forum
Objective of Meeting
The meeting was planned around the
availability of Rob Walker, Program Manager for the Global Information Grid Enterprise
Services (GIG ES) from DISA. The first day
was scheduled as an interactive session to understand the impact and plans for GIG ES. The day was open to non-members.
The second day was a working day for
members. Objectives were:
- Agree
role and name of COE Forum in GES
- Decide
on strategy for dealing with Open Source in COE
- Decide
on standardization of GOTS code
- Certification
Program update
The first day was spent with Rob Walker
presenting the DISA vision and plans for net-centric warfare. With over 20 people in
attendance the debate and input were lively. Robs
presentation is linked below. Members
identified problems with segmentation that could be improved. GBB to organize (with RW/EB) a face-to-face
meeting to identify how vendor platforms could be made the same "out of the
The second day was dedicated to progressing
form work items. Graham Bird gave an update
on the COE certification program that was launched 9th June 03. The members expressed views that the security
tests needed further development and Dave Lounsbury agreed to produce an assessment of the
improvements that could be made to the manual and automated security tests.
Doug Johnson proposed that the Forum should
evolve to better support GES. This may
involve a name change to better reflect that. Some
potential names were developed. GBB to list them and develop a voting mechanism to be
completed by end August.
Open source of the COE code was discussed in
some depth. It became clear that the exort
restrictions that are still in place on the code would create significant problems for the
hosting organization. The Forum decided that
a combination of JPL coding and the COE Forum steering evolution may be the best approach. DL will investigate if that is possible. GBB will talk to FSG about support for POSIX
Work Items
- Determine
how to improve Automated Security Test Scripts
- Determine
if and how to use new COE Kernel Test Scripts
- Speak
to SMcN re COE Open source and POSIX needs. [GBB]
- Name
change, list, and voting mechanism - August. [GBB]
- Distribute
GES Policy memo. [EB]
- Segmentation
issues meeting. [GBB/Members]
- Interface
to DISA for sanity checking. [EB]
- Report
back on NIAP issues - October. [EB]
- Establish
liaisons with e.g., Standards Advisory, Architecture Advisory, Executive Advisory Groups.
Next Steps
Complete actions, plan for a face to face
meeting in Washington DC. Links