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  Austin, USA Conference All-Members Meeting    

All Members Meeting
Tuesday July 24th, 2007

All Members of The Open Group are members of either the Customer Council or the Supplier Council.

In our All-Members meetings, the Customer Council and Supplier Council join together to involve all members of The Open Group in sharing issues and concerns that are of common interest - across all Forums and Working Groups.


We recognize that over the past 12 months the Members Councils have not operated as effectively as we would like them to. So in this Austin conference we propose to launch a new approach.

This new approach involves holding an All-Members Lunch on the Tuesday.

We believe that using one lunchtime like this will be good use of members' networking time. During this Lunch the Customer Council and Supplier Council leaders and their steering committee members will present this new approach - aimed at restoring the Councils' effectiveness in adding value to the benefits of membership in The Open Group.

We look forward to your participation.

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