Enterprise Architecture Practitioners Conference The Open Group
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  Iain Anderson, Enterprise Architect, QRS    




The First 100 Days - Planning for Your New EA Role

Motivation: You are an accomplished enterprise architect with a solid portfolio of achievements at medium sized firms. You are ready for the challenge of working in a Fortune 1000 firm and have started your research for ideal employers. But you haven't faced this scale of operations before, and your colleagues have shared many war stories suggesting that the road to success will be difficult.

What do you do? How do you shine?
This presentation will identify the unique challenges that an enterprise architect will face when transitioning from a small firm to a global enterprise. It will discuss the critical elements that must be reviewed as part of your ramp up, including the politics, the performance measures and the knowledge base. It will highlight the common pitfalls that befall new architects as they attempt to transform themselves and will it will suggest a 100 day work plan to maximise your visibility and effectiveness in your new role.

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