The Quality of Service Task Force Meeting : Berlin, April 2001

We had two days of QoS sessions in Berlin. Since there was only 1 1/2 days of presentations our scope was limited, but our goal was to find out about what efforts are going on in the industry in terms of QoS initiatives in the areas of: standards, edge technologies, and real-time.The first day was an open (webcast) session. The second day was a closed session with the morning devoted to a joint real-time session, also web cast, and the afternoon session was closed to Task Force members for working on the vision, roadmap, working groups, next steps etc.

URLs for Presentations - Members Only

The Presentations are now up on the web.  Sorry, but we only allow access to the presentations to members of the QoS Task Force.  Please contact  Sally Long or Birgit Hartje if you are not a member and would like to learn more about membership.

The URL for the presentations is: Click on forums button, and from there on Quality of Service Session

Working Sessions (Objectives, RoadMap, WhitePaper, New Working Groups, Next Steps):

During the working sessions, both the morning working session with the Real-Time Group and the afternoon session with QoS members only, we came up with some objectives and what I believe a more focused way of meeting them.

The outline of a Roadmap took a very general approach, but one that we can move forward with in small pieces.

Working under the premise that there is a lot of existing work out there and our goal is not to duplicate efforts but to adopt and evolve where appropriate and to initiate only when necessary, one of our objectives as a Task Force is to determine where our members would benefit most from applying our time and resources.

The Definition Phase is where we define what is out there by populating our component map with existing QoS standards and initiatives so our members are aware of what choices need to be made and where the holes are.  This will allow us to make more informed decisions as to where to put our collective and individual resources.  Part of The Definition Phase is also producing a White Paper and a Draft RoadMap.  The task of populating the Component Model or the "Topology" will be broken off into logical chunks according to appropriate working groups, which have been re-organized for more efficient division of labor

The Evaluation Phase will entail determining which of the standards/initiatives most meet the needs of  our customers' & vendors' requirements and priorities.  In order to do that we will evaluate the standards/initiatives in terms of: 1) What does the standard/policy achieve and how well does it apply to members's requirements and priorities, 2) What Level of Support & Market Adoption exists (i.e. is there an existing working group, who's involved, what state is the specification in (draft/standard/revision), 3) Are there implementations ( prototype, beta, major revisions?) 4) Whose implementing and is it according to specification 5) Are they interoperable etc.

The Decision Phase will, given what is discovered in the Evaluation Phase, be one where we determine: 1) Which existing standardization efforts should we support via gathering & driving requirements? 2) Which consortia to have partner with and how closely to work with? 3) Whether we should Initiate efforts to increase market awareness and adoption of QoS solutions? 4) When we should Initiate efforts to provide testing and certification for existing standards? 4)Whether it makes more sense to initiate new efforts for QoS architecture, standards, policies? The Final Road Map is also part of this Phase.

The Implementation Phase is where we start implementing the Decisions we make in Q3.

In order to accomplish this in a reasonable time frame and to keep all members actively engaged, it was decided we would move away from the technical/business Working Groups we had initially decided on,and instead move toward specific working groups where each organization involved would be spending their time on something worth-while to their participation and more closely affiliated with the value they hope to get out of this.  These individual groups will be working on populating the component map/ topology during the definition phase according to their own areas of expertise. I am hoping that by interjecting division of labor according to interest will get more accomplished.

The new working groups are:

We agreed that each group would meet independently and work within their groups to complete action items.  I am to provide guidelines for the population activities and the action items listed below for each group.  The Architecture/Topology and the Business Working Groups will act as the working groups that provide consistency and validation to individual groups and who will pull the information together in a cohesive whole.

In general the action items for the working groups are to:

The QoS Sessions (July 18th and 19th) during the Austin Conference will give us an opportunity to report back and get feedback from all participants at the conference on our findings.