validate.GIF (2696 bytes) PROCESS

The prime contractor for the VALIDATE project was The Open Group.

Best Practice Reference Set

The Best Practice Reference Set was compiled using the latest methods, guides, tools, and approaches to IT procurement. Twelve different best practice sources were examined:

EC Directives
ISO 14598-4

From these sources, a collection was compiled of 900 best practices, which was then condensed (by removing duplication) to produce 300 practices (which are cross-referenced to their original source).

The selection criteria used for selecting the best practices were as follows:

Assessment Tool

An assessment tool (in the form of a questionnaire) was developed to assist in the identification of practices used by the Procurement Partners.

Project Performance Metrics

A set of metrics was compiled so that project performance could be measured consistently. Each metric related to a typical problem area. The result metrics were divided into the following categories: financial, infrastructure, process (by phase), and supplier-related, as summarized below.



Process (by phase)


Supplier discount
Project extensions
Payment terms
Return on investment
Value for money
Additional funding
Unexpected purchases
Budget overruns
Staff satisfaction
Team cooperation
Decision making
Team satisfaction
IT staff turnover
User satisfaction
User participation
Project satisfaction
Problems detected
Rework and corrections
System cost
Manpower effort
Project scheduling
User relationship
Supplier dependencies
Supplier responsiveness
Supplier information
Supplier cooperation

Procurement Studies

Studies were undertaken of a number of real IT procurements to quantify the relationships between specific procurement practices and IT project success.

Thirteen European organizations took part in the VALIDATE project (refer to Project Partners). Each organization was monitored through procurement cycles of varying complexity, over a 6-month period. A total of 35 IT procurement cycles were tracked.

The project looked at the practices that were being followed by each organization through the following phases:

  1. Identification, specification, contracting, and decision-making leading to the purchase of IT
  2. Development or integration of the new system
  3. Transfer to the new IT system

Results Analysis

The results of the studies were subject to a thorough statistical analysis, using the common project performance metrics, which aimed to show the relationships between the use of certain practices and procurement project results.

Please note the following:

Diagnostic Guidebook

The results of the analysis were used to compile the Diagnostic Guidebook. The best practices are organized by specific problem area (of which there are 50). Each area lists those practices which were shown to make a difference (positive or negative).

Case Studies

Several case studies were developed, using the procurement practices and metrics data, to highlight the impact of using specific procurement practices.

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